Articles by Patrick Wood

Sex And Pornography Aim To Strike Gold In The Metaverse

Mark Zuckerberg has staked his claim to head the "IBM" of virtual reality, having already renamed Facebook to Meta. Welcome to Zuck-World, where virtual anything is possible and probable in a lawless world, including anonymous sex and immersive pornography.

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Corbett: Technocracy’s Siren Call In China Summons Technocrat Tyrants

Birds usually keep to their own species. Eagles don't fly with sparrows, nor buzzards with geese. Technocrats are like that and underscore the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together." Tyrants and Big Tech love and esteem China, not because it is a communist dictatorship, but because it is a Technocracy! This article nails it.

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Technocracy Aims To Control Health Systems Worldwide, Forever

Control over the global health system is set to grow. This represents an assault on bodily autonomy down to your genetic structure. It also is an attempt to control the very soul - mind, will and emotions - of everyone on earth. Ultimately, souls will become a tradable commodity like wheat, corn or cattle. Welcome to Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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DHS Fusion Centers Are Drivers Of Total China-Like Surveillance

As DHS Fusion Centers have infiltrated police departments across America, the invasive surveillance state has grown up right under our noses. It has become like the all-seeing Eye of Sauron that sees everything but misinterprets everything and understands nothing. TN has warned about Fusion Centers for years.

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Red Alert: With New EO, Biden Is Probing How To Terminate Fiat Currency, Implement Digital Money

According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, Congress is specifically granted exclusive responsibility "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures".  No problem for Biden, who rules with a pen. Fintech is the chosen financial system for the post-Great Reset world, aka Technocracy. Read the full EO below, with highlights provided by TN.

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Ukraine Turns To Clearview AI For Facial Recognition During War

Clearview AI is relatively new surveillance company backed by Peter Thiel and engaged in massive collection of photos from social media platforms. Clearview is making its system available to Ukraine for FREE and it will be used for security and surveillance identification of its populace. Clearview's system is already banned in several countries and has caused privacy outrage in the U.S.

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Big Economic Trouble In China Further Threatens Global Supply Chain

Before the war started in Ukraine, China was already headed into a huge economic abyss. The Hang Seng tech index has dropped 61% from its top last year, while the Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index of U.S.-traded stocks has fallen 68%. Now the city of Shenzhen, China's equivalent to Silicon Valley, has been shut down over COVID.

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Genetically Modified Fish Being Challenged By FOIA Request

It's a newsy day for biotech companies with stories released about genetically modified fish, beef and insects. The industry believes it has the right to modify anything that has DNA including humans. Read my recent article, Global Blueprint Exposed: The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth, for more details.

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Genetically Modified Cattle Coming To A Plate Near You

The FDA fast-tracks genetic modifications in animals based on the principle of being "substantially equivalent" to the unmodified species, thereby avoiding rigorous testing that would normally be required. This false notion is promoted by the biotech companies themselves, much to the chagrin of normal citizens and scientists.

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Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Be Released In Florida And California

The biotech industry is bent on genetically modifying all life on planet earth. At the UN, it was promoted as "biodiversity". The effect on the environment is unknown. The biotech company trying to wipe out the pesky bug is, not surprisingly, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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