Articles by Patrick Wood

America’s Deteriorating Energy Grid Will Be Major Driver In Great Reset

The war on carbon-based fuels coupled with the rise of alternative energy has degraded America's energy network to the point that we are faced with soaring electricity bills, rolling blackouts, factory shutdowns and outright failure of the grid. If unreliability doesn't get your immediate attention, your future energy bills will.

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Biden Issues Executive Order On ‘The Future Of Money’

Basically, Biden is opening the door to the destruction of paper currency on the flimsy excuse of defending against ransomware and cyber crime. The unnamed source said, "We could see a significant shift in policy in 180 days. This is a likely step toward creation of a central bank digital currency".

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War In Ukraine Is The WEF’s Doorway To Global Technocracy

Don't be fooled by the deluge of propaganda stating the war is between Russia and Ukraine. Rather, it is a war between Technocracy and the rest of the world. As the nation state model of government dissolves, it will be replaced by leaders of the corporate world, central bank oligarchs and private financial institutions.

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Buttigieg Gets Tough On Russia, Calls For Nationwide EV Charging Network

In 1979, Antony C. Sutton published Energy: The Created Crisis.  The Wall Street Journal wrote "The energy crisis is a snare and a delusion. Worse, it's a hustle." Biden is following President Jimmy Carter's exact same plan to create a present-day energy crisis and like Carter, he is doomed to serve only one term. We barely survived Carter, but Biden may bury us.

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As Biden Bans Russian Oil, Democrats Call For Immediate Transition To Green Energy

Oregon Senators Merkley and Widen welcome sanctions and higher gasoline prices because it will "hasten moves toward more renewable energy". Wyden notes the "urgent need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and gas imports from countries ruled by tyrants like Vladimir Putin" while ignoring the fact that America was 100% energy sufficient before Biden took office.

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Technocrats Harm Millions Of Children To Create A Lost Generation

When viewed from a child's perspective, the unmitigated evil perpetrated on America's children is beyond words to describe. Forcing children to wear face masks has caused declines in speech, speech recognition and learning abilities. The CDC "fixes" its disaster by quietly lowering standards for speech development.

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Analysis: Large Scale Cyberattack Is Now Imminent

Technocracy's war on humanity must be viewed as a series of strategically-engineered waves designed to break down enemy strongholds. No war in history has been prosecuted with just a single attack. Thus, COVID was one wave of attack. The next wave is most likely to be cyberattack related. There could be a fourth and a fifth. 

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Hackers Successfully Penetrated 21 U.S. LNG Producers Just Before Ukraine Invasion

Two-week blitz. Twenty-one major energy companies. State-sponsored hackers. "Pre-positioning."  This is clearly a warning shot to tell the U.S. "We know where you live and we have a key to your house." Expect the next great event to be a massive cyber-attack to cripple American infrastructure.

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Warning: Controlling All Absolute Data About You Is Controlling You Absolutely

Technocracy clearly stated in 1934 that they intended to track all production and consumption, and to keep a detailed file on every person. Technocrats then slipped into Nazi Germany to collect all data on undesirables like Gypsies, blacks, invalids and Jews, and marched them all into concentration camps and gas chambers.

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MIT Scientist: mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Worse Than The Disease

MIT Professor Stephanie Seneff forecasts a dramatic spike in deadly health conditions in the future, like autoimmune disease, blood disorders, strokes, heart attacks and always fatal prion (Creutzfeldt–Jakob) disease. Now that 10.8 billion shots have been administered across 184 countries, the future for humanity is grim.

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