Articles by Patrick Wood

The Technocrat Mind: iFarm Fish On Way To Market

To understand the mind of a Technocrat, substitute the word "human" for "fish" in this press release, e.g., "which has resulted in important experiences regarding the camera arrangement, lighting, and data processing to enable a health record for each fish human, e.g., 'Checking the fish humans in real time with cameras from multiple angles opens up to tell more about each fish human, but at the same time it requires a lot from the software and hardware solutions we develop.'"

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Charge: U.S. Capitol Police Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

To the Technocrat mind, surveillance is seen as some sort of divine right that gives them a moral free pass to look at anything they choose to look at. In this case, the Capitol Police appear to have been flipped into a type of  Praetorian Guard for the radical left to spy on certain Congressmen and their staff. In a sane world, congressional and staff perpetrators would be summarily ejected from the capitol.

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Boom: Biden Admin Officially Targets Free Speech As Domestic Terrorism

This outrageous "National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin" issued by the Department of Homeland Security pits government narrative against all others. In other words, if you write or speak against the government's narrative, you are "undermin(ing) public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest." This, in turn, could "inspire acts of violence". 

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Saskatchewan Lifts All Covid Restrictions Amid Trucker Protests

The massive Canadian trucker protest is bearing enough fruit to encourage them to push on until total victory. Global protests will also be inspired to intensify their protests. Alberta and Quebec are also softening and may reverse course soon.  Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe, who also has supported the protest, says "This policy has run its course".

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Technocrats Demand Meat Tax to Fight Climate Change

The vast majority of rank-and-file citizens disbelieve the global war on red meat, and yet the environmental extremists will not let go of their demands to destroy the industry and drive people to eat insect protein instead. This battle is intensifying everywhere and is unmistakable. The price of quality beef in the US has doubled in the last 2 years and is still rising

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‘Black Mirror-Like’ Robo-Dogs Patrol US Border, Searching For Illegals

Don't rejoice that robo-dogs are going to solve the border crisis, because they will not. Technocrats within the government are merely using the border crisis as an opportunity to test their dystopian technological solutions that are designed to autonomously herd and control groups of people. Such robots are only "search and identify" today but could just as easily be converted into "search and destroy" in the future.

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mRNA Jab Deaths And Injuries Are Soaring In Europe

Data scoffers, nit-pickers and trolls will come out in droves over these numbers to question credibility and gaslight people into thinking what they are seeing is false. The word "genocide" is more appropriate because all of these trials should have been halted when deaths exceeded 100. The experimental shot pushers know full well that people are dying and yet they ramp up efforts to corral even more people to take the jabs. This is Technocracy's coup d'etat.

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Technocrat Vaccinators Have No Intention To Stop Vaccinating

Technocracy News has previously stated multiple times that once the channel is established between laboratory and the human arm, the shots will never stop. This is increasingly clear.  The human immune system, now essentially captured by Big Pharma, is the most important system in the human body that regulates disease.  mRNA/DNA technology will increasingly be used to restructure the human condition.  

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Technocracy’s ‘Science Of Social Engineering’: MindSpace, Trance Warfare And Neuro Linguistic Programming

In 1938, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as "the science of social engineering" that would enable its new economic system. They were so certain that all of their conclusions were correct that they believed no political structure would be required to discuss things. This hideous ideology has been building for decades and is in full swing in 2022.

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World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed

It was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program. This was the same year that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development was unleashed on the world. The new agenda for the world required a new kind of leader and Schwab's program was pivotal.

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