Articles by Patrick Wood

Mercola: COVID Jabs Are Creating ‘Vaccine Addicts’ As Immune Systems Fail

Whether intentional or not, data is suggesting that mRNA vaccines and boosters are inducing "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" that may leave a large segment of society dependent on additional shots to provide protection against further diseases. Medical Technocrats who have brought this scourge upon humanity must be held accountable.

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US Military Data Reveals Skyrocketing Rate Of mRNA Injection Injuries

The U.S. military has been severely compromised by forcing mRNA injections on soldiers, in spite of volumes of safety data that warned leaders not to mandate the shots in the first place. The injections have done nothing to prevent viral infections. This could be the second biggest health scandal in our history, eclipsed only by the intentional suppression of life-saving drugs.

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Naomi Wolf: On The Subtlety Of Monsters

Wolf correctly notes, "people are asked to join a cult and offer up their bodies; if they don’t, they are ostracized and denied social life and professional advancement." Similarities must be drawn to the period of Nazi Germany during 1931-33 that set the stage for unspeakable evil.

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Wokeism: The Cruel Destruction Of Society To Make Way For ‘Build Back Better’

The scorched earth practice of Wokeism is not the end in itself, but the means to the end of the global elite's Great Reset and Build Back Better, aka Technocracy. Capitalism and free market economy must be destroyed in order for Technocracy to take total control, so burning down the existing order is the interim goal.

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Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Sparks Massive Surveillance Speed Camera Nightmare

One way to defund the police is to obsolete their usefulness, like making face-to-face traffic stops to rein in dangerous drivers. Speed cameras have already been outlawed in many cities and some states, thus setting up direct conflict with federal mandates. The second aspect is continuous, mass surveillance of citizens.

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South Carolina Proposes Law To Make It Illegal To Request Vax Status

Legislators in South Carolina are commended in their application of legislation to stop the apartheid in their state. This proves that states have the power to override mandates and outside dictates from the federal government as well as industry. Medical Technocrats will be grinding their teeth over this as it forces them to get back to legitimate health care.

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Buttigieg Accelerates UN Agenda To Ditch Cars, Promote Walking, Bike Lanes

Gotta get those dangerous, dangerous cars off the road and make people walk, bicycle and scooter to their destinations. Federal transportation funding will be channeled through the unconstitutional, soviet-style Councils of Government and Metropolitan Planning Organizations. These quasi-governmental bodies attach conditionalities to all disbursements and force cities to comply with globalist agendas.

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Denmark Ends Almost All COVID Restrictions

The Technocrat COVID narrative of lockdowns, masks, distancing and passports continues to crumble. Denmark was the first nation in Europe to impose harsh restrictions and now it is the first to give them up. This means that two years of artificial panic is all that people can tolerate before they say "game over".

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Experts Balking Over Elon Musk’s Brain Implants

The world's top Technocrat, Elon Musk, has no ethical concerns about harnessing the human brain with wires and computer chips, but many scientists do. Dr. Nita Farahany, a scholar on emerging technologies at the Duke University School of Law, correctly notes, "Our brain is our last bastion of freedom, our last place for privacy.”

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