Articles by Patrick Wood

Kicked Off Heart Transplant List For Not Taking mRNA Injection

David Ferguson wants to live but he desperately needs a heart transplant. He declined an mRNA injection because it might kill him but the hospital kicked him off the transplant list, guaranteeing his untimely death - he is only 31 years old.  Without a shred of evidence, the doctors say that the "vaccinated" have a better chance post-surgery of surviving.

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U-Turn: Pfizer Board Member Suggests End to Mask, Vaccine Mandates

On December 31 I wrote, "I am quite certain that some positive, 'good news' headlines will appear in the first quarter of 2022... Omicron could be officially declared to be a nothing-burger and some major corporations might remove mask and/or vaccine requirements." This trend is continuing with Pfizer's major reversal. 

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Metaverse: Unhinged Technocrats Who Believe We Are Already Living In A Simulation

For the Technocrat-minded who already live in an intellectual bubble detached from reality and believe the universe one giant simulation already, the Metaverse is the perfect and natural vehicle to create a new reality. If everything is virtual anyway, they think, what's the problem with creating your own? One is just an extension of the other.

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Ivermectin Works: World’s Largest, Peer-Reviewed Research Study

For all the Ivermectin skeptics who have retorted that "there are no peer-reviewed" studies proving it works, and who probably wouldn't know how to read and understand a a peer-reviewed study, will you please stop fighting this and come out of the propaganda fog? Holdouts will now likely attack the peers in an attempt to discredit them.

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WEF: What IS Regenerative Capitalism And Who Cares?

The World Economic Forum says it is extending the concept of Sustainable Development as Regenerative Capitalism: "business practices that restore and build rather than exploit and destroy." This is yet one more propaganda phrase like Natural Capitalism, Smart Growth and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Metaverse: Virtual Utopia Or Technocratic Nightmare?

The Pied Pipers of Big Tech are seducing the world into an immersive virtual reality. It creates a blend of The Matrix, Ready Player One and lawless wild west anarchy where anything goes. Worse, it will blur the distinctions between reality and fantasy, rewiring the brain and changing way the mind responds to situations.

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China’s Technocrat Builders Create Equivalent Of 27 Empty New York Cities

I have long claimed that China morphed into a Technocracy starting in 1978 when National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, brought Chairman Deng Xiaoping and China out of the economic dark ages. Today, Chinese Technocrats just keep building things, even though there is no demand or need to do so.

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Sharyl Attkisson: How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ And The Press To Control The Information Landscape

Propaganda has been the weapon of choice by Technocrats to apply their so-called "science of social engineering" in order to herd people into accepting Technocracy. This is a global initiative and the details are broken down by five-time Emmy Award winner, Sharyl Attkisson.

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Pam Popper: How to Win the War Against Tyranny

Dr. Pam Popper is interviewed and details her successes in pushing back against Technocracy's coup d'état. The importance of re-building community groups, where face-to-face interaction can occur is critical, but at the same time using the judicial system to throw in the proverbial monkey wrench.

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What Drives The Mind Of A Technocrat?

Technocracy News & Trends has posted several articles over the years on the Technocrat mind, such as Mind of a Technocrat: The Post Human World and The Technocrat Mind: Pfizer's Unconscionable Crimes, Past and Present. Here is another writer trying to sort it out and it adds an fresh perspective.

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