Articles by Patrick Wood

Wesley J. Smith: Defeating Technocracy Is Crucial to Life

If you are looking to Technocracy to protect human life, you will be greatly disappointed. Technocracy does not value human life any more than insects or bacteria. This was a core principle of historic Technocracy and clearly stated in the Technocracy Study Course (1934). It persists today.

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WEF Global Risks Report 2022 Imagines All The Critical Threats To The World

Hiding behind the respectability of scholarship, wealth and position, the WEF offers a smorgasbord of propaganda and fear-producing possibilities: Vaccine inequality, social fractures. geopolitical tensions, environmental collapse, global warming disaster, cybersecurity failure, migration disorder, war in space.

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Othering: Tyranny Always Creates A Scapegoat To Demonize

More and more warnings are appearing over the scapegoat phenomena that characterizes the unvaccinated as less than human and require forced compliance to protect the "common good". Continued non-compliance must be punished by driving them out of society.

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Boom: Secretary Of Education Solicited Letter From NSBA To Criminalize Angry Parents

When the NSBA's letter to Attorney General Garland suggested that angry school board parents should be likened to domestic terrorists, the AG responded by immediately unleashing the FBI. Now we find out that the Secretary of Education was the one who solicited the letter in the first place.

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Google/YouTube Has Buried Content About ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’

The Google complex is running scared of the psychological tool of social engineering revealed as "Mass Formation Psychosis". Whoops. It is THEIR tool, after all. Patrick Wood's interview on the topic with Erskine Overnight was banned from YouTube. Search results are buried at Google. In 1938, Technocracy defined itself as the "science of social engineering". Indeed.

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Dutch Politician Calls “BS” On Obama’s Claim That 97% Of Scientists Agree On Manmade ‘Global Warming’

Former President Barak Obama institutionalized the blatantly false claim that "97% of scientists agree on manmade global warming", but it has been endlessly repeated ever since. This was a common propaganda trick called "Bandwagon": eg, all the experts believe it so you should too. In fact, only 1.6% of scientists sided with man-made global warming.

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Wesley J. Smith: Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel Is Pushing For Permanent Medical Technocracy

This is a MUST-READ article. Medical technocrat Ezekiel Emanuel, brother to political hack Rahm Emanuel, famously said he hopes to die at age 75. Currently 64, he has 11 years left. Now he is advocating for a permanent medical Technocracy by aggregating all respiratory diseases into a single statistic so that the government can declare perpetual health emergencies. 

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Charge: Google Hammering Competitors By Manipulating Browser Extensions

Google is using every available tool and technology to crush its competitors and maintain its dominance in extracting behavioral surplus from humanity. In the 1800s, oil was extracted from the earth; now, Technocrats digitize and extract human behavior for the certainty of control and manipulation.

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Cows Get VR Headsets To Reduce Anxiety, Increase Milk Production

Animals may beat a path to the Metaverse before people. Technocrats have found that animals can be tricked into a false reality in order to modify bodily functions, which for cows is producing more milk. If the theory holds true for humans, then their "output" can also be manipulated for economic gain.

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Rickards: The Supply Chain Is The Global Economy

If globalization were a living body, then the Supply Chain represents the cardio-vascular system need to transport goods and services (the blood) between global destinations. When globalization suffers a heart attack, ie, the collapse of the Supply Chain, globalization will fall to the ground like a brick and die.

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