Articles by Patrick Wood

Life Insurance CEO: Working-Age Death Rate Up By Whopping 40%

Wars produce dead bodies, and Technocracy's war against the world is no exception. Regardless of specific cause of death, dead bodies are piling up at an unprecedented rate in American history. Insurance companies don't care about propaganda and COVID rhetoric; actuarial tables and actual death claims paid out tell the final story.

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New Cars In EU Will Now Include ‘Black Box’ To Track And Record Behavior

Technocrats are obsessive-compulsive about collecting sensor data on everything that moves, processes or functions. Vehicles are the perfect target for ubiquitous data harvesting and of course, police will be the first to have access to the new treasure trove. To suggest that data will be anonymized and available to other entitieis such as insurance companies, is ludicrous.

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Propaganda And the Fatal Attraction Of Technocratic-Fascism

Technocracy employs the ultimate mind scramble of cognitive dissonance by framing falsehoods as truth and then gaslighting  you into believing their "truth". When the anchor of reality is removed, subjects can be fed an unending stream of lies and falsehoods until their brains are no longer capable of telling truth from error.

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Pandora’s Box Opened: Swedes Adopt Implanted Chips As Vaccine Passports

The author rightly concludes, "Scientism is their faith. Technology is their sacrament. Their cult is a cyborg theocracy. Even if they rain fire from the sky with the press of a button, never bend the knee to their silicon gods." The evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism are both rooted in Scientism.

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Mars Ho! The Technocrat Cult Of Outer Space

Why does Congress propose $25 billion in 2022 to help fund colonization of outer space and in particular, Mars, or the incessant search for alien life in the galaxy? Apparently science is not sufficiently efficacious for solving problems on earth, so as the planet becomes increasingly unstable, humanity needs to get ready to "fly the coup".

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Beware 2022: Technocracy’s War Against Humanity Set To Continue

Under the cover of chaos, Technocracy thrived during 2020-2021 at spreading its net of control and social engineering. Without chaos, virtually none of Technocracy's initiatives would have ever gotten off the ground. The point is this: Technocracy thrives on order, structure and predictability but uses chaos to get there.

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Recipe For Toxic COVID Stew: Badges, Guns, Quarantine Camps

Governments are increasingly being turned against their citizens, but by who? The only possible perpetrators are the global Technocrats who are intent on flipping the entire planet into Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. The pressure cooker of tyranny will ultimately force an outright rebellion.

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mRNA Technology To Be Applied To Other Diseases

Now that the human genome has been opened up for inserting synthetic mRNA modeled by computer programs, Transhuman scientists are expanding their reach to target other diseases in other parts of the human body. Direct DNA editing is already in the works as well.

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