Articles by Patrick Wood

Boom: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book Blows The Lid Off Of Anthony Fauci’s Dark Past And Hidden Agenda

Anthony Fauci is poster child for Technocracy: unelected, unaccountable, ethically challenged and driven by a twisted sense of scientific progress. Kennedy's exposé is already an instant best seller based on pre-orders and fully exposes Fauci's hidden agenda.

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Austria Locks Down 2 Million Unvaccinated Citizens

In an oxymoronic, logic-failed statement, the Technocrat chancellor of Austria said, “My aim is very clear: to get the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, not to lock up the unvaccinated.” But, he has locked up the unvaccinated... all 2 million of them! They face huge fines and arrest if they don't stay in their houses.

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Rogue School Board Created List Of Parents Who Dissented Against Them At Meetings

Mean-spirited Technocrats at the Scottsdale, AZ school board figured it was a good idea to build dossiers on parents who dissented against them at school board meetings. No matter that it was an egregious violation of law, ethics and the Constitution. Parents are rightly demanding resignations.

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As Vaccine Mandates Spread, Italy Shows What To Expect

Medical Technocrats in Big Pharma have government leaders eating out of their hand as lockdowns and mandates expand for yet another season. People of the world are being levered into taking the shot, whether they want to or not, by disallowing personal freedom and privileges on a mass scale.

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Singapore: No Free Healthcare For Those “Unvaccinated By Choice”

Singapore's health system is more complicated than "free" but it has opened pandora's box to turn all those "unvaccinated by choice" into second class citizens. This is a not-so-subtle effort to force compliance. If personal health choices become the standard to judge who gets health care, then bodily sanctity is gone.

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Whitehead: Metaverse Is ‘Freedom’ Meted Out By Technological Tyrants

For anyone looking forward to experiencing the Metaverse, you have been warned. If you let your children participate in the Metaverse, you have been warned. If you think it's just a game, an educational tool or a place for cheap entertainment, you have been warned. The Metaverse is a place where souls will be trapped and enslaved.

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Epic Fail: COVID ‘Vaccines’ Do Not Impact Infection Rates

Any evidence that mass inoculation inhibits infection rates has disappeared, yet an abundance of evidence has surfaced that people are dying from the shots all around the world. Worse, there is still no talk among Technocrats of halting this monstrous experiment on humanity. Only citizens can crush their vacuous narrative.

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Study: Double-Jabbed Dying at 6x Higher Rate Than the Unvaxxed

Technocrats have apparently taken control of the death rate, exposing their agenda of population reduction. The number of vax-related deaths is soaring to genocidal proportions and not even a whole year has passed since the massive shot campaign started. And yet, there is no talk about halting these FDA unapproved shots.

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