Articles by Patrick Wood

AG Merrick Garland Admits Targeting Parents As ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Was Based Solely On Letter From National School Boards Assn

Under sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Garland was pried open by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to admit the only reason he targeted school student's parents was a spurious letter that he received from the leftist National School Boards Association. The whole incident smacks of Technocrat manipulation.

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Shock: COVID Shots May Be Killing More People Than COVID Itself

Reading statistical data can be tricky, but consistent inferences across different data sets is like "where there is smoke, there is fire."  Globally, vaccine-related deaths may be approaching 1 million. Why haven't these FDA Emergency Use Authorization injections been halted? Hint: The agenda doesn't include saving lives.

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GMO Sperm? Scientists Use Monkey Stem Cells To Create Sperm

Now gene editing techniques are used to convert stem cells into active sperm cells that are efficacious for fertilization. This is the genesis of life itself, and the research is pointedly headed toward solving human infertility issues. The temptation to change a few DNA segments along the way will be irresistible.

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Medical Technocrats Rushing To Vaccinate Young Children

The Technocrat's propaganda machine has shifted into high gear to praise the benefits of children being vaccinated. Millions of parents will likely be deceived into believing the propaganda. Children are the least likely of any age group to have trouble with COVID, and available shots are still given under Emergency Use Authorization.

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Insight: The Great New Normal Purge

TN has been pointing this out for months: "But it isn’t just a purge of “the Unvaccinated.” Anyone deviating from the official ideology is being systematically demonized and persecuted." This purging is no respecter of political ideology or economic status: speak wrong, get tossed.

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Businesses Face $700,000 Fine For Not Forcing Shots On Employees

The Biden Administration is destroying the supply chain via port traffic, border controls by removing the wall, health by mandating vaccines, consumers with hyper-inflation and is now destroying companies and the labor market. Never have so few done so much to implement a scorched-earth program of economic destruction.

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It’s Here: Robot Dogs With Powerful Assault Rifles

The government wants your guns but has no problem building frankengun monsters of its own. The dog pictured carries a very potent 6.5mm Creedmoor rifle, which also has a machine gun configuration. A swarm of these armed robots could overwhelm and slaughter dozens of combatants in minutes.

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