Articles by Patrick Wood

Pentagon Hit With Massive Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates

Many top legal experts believe that Biden's Sept. 9 Executive Order was patently illegal. Now it is being challenged by a massive class-action suit that is initially asking for a restraining order to put on hold the Nov. 22 deadline for vaccination of all military, civilian employees and affiliated contractors.

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Psychosis Referrals Up 75% In Pandemic Saturated England

Hearing voices in your head? Hallucinating? It is likely a byproduct of pandemic policies like constant fear mongering, social exclusion, lockdowns, wearing masks, etc. As a result, suicide rates are skyrocketing and lives and families are being ruined for years or decades. Literally, the "madness" must stop!

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Newsom Orders Shots For State Workers, 40% Say ‘Stick It”

It has been reported to me by a top medical professional that the actual vaccination rate among most groups in America is being greatly inflated. This rings true in deep-blue California where Gov. Newsom flatly ordered all state workers to take the shot. While 60% might have "obeyed", at least 40% have not! Will Newsom fire the "deniers"?

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Medical Chaos: Result Of Firing Unvaccinated Nurses In Houston

Across the entire spectrum of essential industries, we can expect that shortages of employees over vaccine mandates will create chaotic interruption of services. Some claim these are unintended consequences. However, Technocracy and Technocrats have implemented these policies as a scorched earth economic meltdown that is necessary for them to "build back better"

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Pilots Resist: Pilot Shortage Looms Over Vaccines As Firing Deadline Approaches

Approximately 25-30 percent of pilots and airline workers remain unvaccinated and risk being fired. Airline executives cite obedience to Biden's Executive Order that has failed to materialize in the Federal Register. This means that they are essentially following a press statement that has no substance whatsoever.

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