Articles by Patrick Wood

Sen. Rand Paul on Criminalizing Dissent: ‘Be Afraid Of Your Government’

Sen. Rand Paul is fearless in calling out the government that he is still part of: The Department of Justice has just criminalized legitimate dissent. The move is patently illegal but the damage is done,  emboldening school boards to report dissenters they don't like to local and federal agencies for harassment and punishment.   

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National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Tracks Everything

GEOINT is the Technocrat science of tracking everything on earth; living or inanimate, moving or stationary. An official US government agency was created to serve military and civilian uses of GEOINT to enable and promote a total surveillance society and on a global basis.

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Boom! 427,000 Parents Sound Off To NSBA/DoJ On ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Label

A few days ago I wrote that the NSBA and DoJ had made a strategic error in attacking middle-American soccer moms who are fed up with the harm being done to their children at the hands of tyrannical school boards. They have awakened the masses of angry momma-bears who aren't going to take it any more!

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Portrait Of Eric Schmidt: Technocrat, Big Tech Titan, Member Trilateral Commission, Philanderer

Ponder for a few minutes the strange ascendance of Eric Schmidt from a software nerd to the heir apparent of fellow Trilateral, Henry Kissinger. Like many Trilaterals (e.g., Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton), Schmidt discarded ethics and morality for a lifestyle that included an "open marriage" and multiple adulterous affairs.

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Largest Health Care System In New York State Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers

Madness grips entire health care systems as skilled and knowledgeable medical personnel are summarily fired from their career positions. Yet, since madness begets more madness, we can expect more outrageous dislocations in the future as all traditional medical ethics and principles are thrown out the window.

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Colorado’s UCHealth To Deny Organ Transplants To Unvaccinated

UCHealth in Colorado say that kidney transplant patients are too likely to die if they get Covid, so the answer is to make sure they don't get kidney transplants. This twisted, evil logic is spreading like a melanoma cancer throughout the entire healthcare system in America, leaving a trail of otherwise preventable deaths in its wake.

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Biden’s Attorney General ‘Weaponizes’ DoJ Against Dissenting Parents In Response To The National School Boards Association Request

ust one day after the NSBA ask for federal law enforcement protection against parents who are angry with school boards over mask and vaccine mandates, the DOJ agrees to "protect". This is a blatant and coordinated effort to silence free speech and political opposition of dissenting parents.

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