Articles by Patrick Wood

Stanford Prof Sees ‘Superhero’ Vaccine For ‘Body-Wide Genetic Upgrade’ Within 10 Years

Transhumanist scientists are coming out of the closet world-wide, emboldened by the current unapproved and untested gene therapy injections for COVID-19. This Stanford geneticist calls it an ‘autocorrect’ vaccine that literally rewrites your DNA that will be passed to your offspring.

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WHO Declares Mask And Social Distancing Policies To Continue Indefinitely

Don't think for a minute that masks and social distancing policies are outdated or even relaxed. They are here to stay and the UN's propaganda machine will continue to sound the alarm to force nations into compliance. Without the application of force by national governments, citizens would totally ignore the UN.

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Inventor Of mRNA Technology Warned FDA That Shots Could Be Dangerous

Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA gene therapy technology and warned the FDA that the vaccines are dangerous. Did the FDA listen to him? No. Instead, he was censored by Big Pharma and the FDA went ahead with the Emergency Use Authorization that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of injuries.

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Biden Administration Prepping System To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends And Family

Adolph Hitler turned Nazi Germany into a nation of snitches where family members would "report" even their closest relatives and friends for suspicious activity or criticism against the Party. Innocent civilians were then arrested, tortured and forced to confess crimes they did not commit. The Biden Administration is steering in the same direction.

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