Articles by Patrick Wood

The Technocratic Global Death Cult Will Cull The Human Population

The WEF's Fourth Industrial Revolution posits the merger between machines and humans, between mind and AI. Says Laura Aboli, "If you already identify as a hybrid between a man and a woman, you will easily be convinced to become a hybrid between human and a machine." Thus,  Trans-genderism and trans-humanism are cleverly linked together by the word "trans." Both are patently anti-human and thoroughly Technocratic.

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Chairman Xi Coming To San Fransisco To Wine And Dine With Elon Musk, Other Oligarchs

There is a big thaw in China relations. Why would XI risk WWIII when he can take us from within without firing a shot? China is a Technocracy that panders to Technocrats. Technocrats pander to China. When Zbigniew Brzezinski pandered to Chairman Deng Xiaoping in 1974, he taught him about the merits of Technocracy. Given Musk's family ties to Technocracy in the 1930s, it is obvious why he wants to pander to Xi. There's a lot of pandering going on. Chinese citizens should call their dear leader - "Pander Bear."

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UN & Bill Gates Team Up To Create “50-In-5” Digital Panopticon

A digital prison for humanity? This was encoded in the Technocracy Course in 1934, and the technology has caught up to their lofty aspirations.  There were only seven requirements for Technocracy. Here are 3,4,5: 3) "Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption"; 4) "Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used"; 5) "Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual."

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Elon Musk: The ‘Age Of Abundance’, UBI And Technocracy

Elon Musk is a plagiarist and huckster for Technocracy, period. Age of abundance? Universal Basic Income? These concepts arrived in the early 1930s, when Musk's grandfather (Dr. Joshua Haldeman) was the head of the Technocracy movement in Canada. People in the 1930s and 1940s quickly figured out that there was no such as a free lunch and threw Technocracy in the trash bin of history, where it belonged. Now, the world has disguised it, given it a new suit of clothes, and called it revolutionary new thinking. Bottom line: Don't be a sucker!

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UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content

While citing the need for "multi-stakeholder" regulation of social media, UNECSO's 59-page tome is titled Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms. This is Orwellian Double-Think at its worst, promoting free speech that is anti-free speech. The "major threat to stability and social cohesion" is all about their stability and the social cohesion they want to force on the world. Now UNESCO will spawn a feeding frenzy of eager NGOs and government tyrants to promote and defend the globalist narrative.

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Your DNA: The Ultimate Global ID Is Here!

Your DNA is beyond unique for every person, revealing all your genetic predispositions and all your family connections. It cannot be altered, ensuring "lifelong immutability." Now that DNA sequencing devices can "generate DNA profiles (DNA IDs) anywhere and within a very short time using mobile devices and fully automated processes," it is ready for prime time! This is the Holy Grail for Technocrats because it is the irreducible structure of all life on planet Earth.

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Conquering Earth: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

In 1938, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as “the science of social engineering” that would enable its crazy new economic system. In time, it became clear that the economic system was the tool to forge pathways into the human psyche. In other words, it was "Silent Weapons for Quite Wars". Today, we see the effects of this at every turn. Technocracy has succeeded in shoving the world into a simulacrum. If you don't get it, then read this whole article.

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Are Technocrats Secretly Stealing And Storing The DNA Of Newborn Babies?

The hospital industry has largely been taken over by Technocrats who practice "evidence-based medicine." You see the Technocrat mind at work when it selectively collects certain data while ignoring other data. Thus, collecting DNA from newborns for sequencing and permanent storage should be seen as a "prime directive" for Technocrats. Why? Because this is foundational for the soon-and-coming global digital system that will control all humans on Earth.

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Sustainable Development Is Technocracy

How many times do I have to say it? Sustainable Development is Technocracy! Writers, analysts, and critical thinkers around the world have investigated my research and come to the same conclusion: Wood is right! This is no consolation because, in my home country, Americans (save only a few) can't see the forest through trees or even the trees through the leaves; by refusing to open their eyes, they have fallen prey to the Sirens' enchantment that leads to sudden shipwreck.

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AI Oligarchs Plans: Team With China, ‘Break’ Capitalism

Thinking people should ditch the left-right rhetoric and look beyond their noses to see the Technocrats who are playing all sides against the middle. Technocrats have used Republican administrations just as adroitly as Democratic ones. The singular common goal is to "break capitalism" with the help of the only pure Technocracy, China. Capitalism is anathema to Technocrats because of its price-based economic system, in favor of a resource-based system that they can totally control. Today, Technocrats are swarming all over the Biden Administration.

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