Articles by Patrick Wood

Universal Basic Income Experiments Expand To 20 Cities In 14 States

UBI is an original tenet of Technocracy in the 1930s and is gaining traction again as Technocrats like Andrew Yang promote it. UBI-dependent citizens would ultimately create a slave class that would serve the Technocracy as it sees fit. Thus far, no UBI experiment has been successful, yet it persists anyway.

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Canon In China: AI Cameras Only Let Smiling Workers Inside

Technocracy defines itself as the "science of social engineering", and Canon in China fits perfectly by demanding that employees smile to gain access into offices and conference rooms. This article properly calls this manipulation trend "modern-day Taylorism".

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Mercola: Social Engineering Is Central To Technocrat Control

The Technocracy movement defined itself in 1938 as the "Science of Social Engineering". The fact that the entire planet is being driven by fear to a predetermined outcome is defensible evidence that it is Technocrats who are currently in control. Want to see this more clearly? Ditch the fear and look around.

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Flashback 2003: Pioneer Researcher Warned Against “Geoslavery”

Professor James Dobson pioneered GIS technology and was so alarmed at the potential misuse of the technology that he warned against geoslavery. He understood the relationship between ubiquitous tracking and objects and the resulting ability to control them. His warning is more important today than before.

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