Articles by Patrick Wood

The Insidious Technocrat War On Food And Human Diet

Technocrat Bill Gates wants to control your body with gene therapy and to control what you eat with synthetic food products. What started in the early 1970s as a radical, crackpot idea is now going mainstream throughout the Western world. Controlling food is controlling people.

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Vaccine Passport Rebellion: ‘You’re Not Going To Brand Us!’

The Orange County protest was filled with people who are waking up to Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy, and taking it out on county officials who are trying to sneak in vaccine passports to further fracture society. The officials couldn't fathom why anyone would protest their policies.

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Extinction Rebellion Verdict Elevates Lawlessness And Anarchy

A British trial exonerated Extinction Rebellion protestors who committed violent criminal acts in abject defiance of the law, setting a chilling precedent for future anarchy. The U.S. has arrived at the same state with Antifa and BLM. The 1918 poem below foretold of the lunacy now gripping the world.

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ImmunaBand Bracelet Is A Wearable Vaccine Passport

If you get the COVID vaccine and wear your ImmunaBand for all to see, you are serving the greater good and saving humanity; all others are scum. Technocrats are dead set on dividing society in ways that will ultimately rip it apart, splitting families, friends and co-workers.

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Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 ‘To Cause Enemy’s Medical System To Collapse’

The NGO receiving pass-through funds from the NIH to the Wuhan Institute of Virology is EcoHealth Alliance. Its institutional partners include radical environmental groups Planetary Health Alliance,  International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Convention on Biological Diversity and Futureearth. 

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Medical Utilitarianism: It’s OK To Sacrifice A Few For The Good Of The Majority

It is not OK to sacrifice any number of humans for the "greater good." Utilitarianism is a totally discredited pseudo-ethic that has been used throughout modern history to justify horrific human rights abuses, and it will do so again if not rejected. Thousands are dying from receiving vaccinations, yet this is dismissed as inconsequential.

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Shock: Canadian Government Openly Embraces Transhumanism

The following text and slides are taken directly from Canada's Federal Government organization, Policy Horizons. It is pure Transhumanism and Technocracy that seeks "full physical integration of biological and digital entities" in order to "change human beings - our bodes, minds and behaviors".

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