Articles by Patrick Wood

Executive Order On The Safe, Secure, And Trustworthy Development And Use Of Artificial Intelligence

On Biden's official site called AI.Gov, the headline on the home page says it all: "Making AI Work For The American People." The tech oligarchs are in a massive private-public-partnership with the government. Thus, this will strengthen their ability to target AI against citizens. The only outcome will be more Technocracy and pushing labor out on the street. Below is the entire text of Biden's Executive Order.

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Nordangard: UN, WEF And The Coming Technocracy

A prominent scholar in Sweden, Jacob Nordangård, PhD, blows the lid off the United Nations and the WEF's plans to drive the world straight into a Technocracy. The reason their plans have never slowed down since inception is that they haven't been identified, and you can't fight an enemy that cannot be seen or an ideology that is not understood. The stubborn ignorance of people who refuse to accept this reality will be crushed by it. The clear and present danger is not Communism, Socialism, or Fascism; it is Technocracy!

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Your ‘Smart Home’ Technology Spies On You Day And Night

Every electronic device in your home - from appliances and smart meters to doorbells - forms a personal "Internet of Things." The primary vendors hoover up data, exchange or sell it to others; that is the expected outcome. But a mishmash of security hubris leftover lets black hat hackers assemble an IoT profile on you to see when you are home, what valuables you might have, etc. Figuratively speaking, it leaves you naked as a jaybird for all to peer into your home.

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Sam Altman: AI Is Learning ‘Superhuman Persuasion’

The self-effacing Altman says this will "may lead to some very strange outcomes." Really Sam? You built it, right? You could just as easily stop it. This smooth-talking Technocrat continues his stark warnings for us as he barks orders to his development team to hurry up. This disingenuous behavior should serve as a true warning that this nimrod is leading the world down the rabbit hole. 

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‘Green Panic’: Auto Execs Are Sensing EV ‘Multi-Billion-Dollar Electrification’ Collapse

"People are finally seeing reality," says Toyota. "This is a pretty brutal space," says Mercedes. GM sees the transformation to EVs as "a bit bumpy." Statements like these indicate the auto industry is in a free fall, along with customer demand. These execs should be wondering, "How stupid were we to buy into this stupid electrification scheme in the first place?" The "Green Panic" will continue.

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‘Green Panic’: Siemens Energy Stock Collapses As Industry Melts Down

Siemens is a pillar company of the World Economic Forum, which wants to flip the world into Technocracy. The problem? It won't work. It never has worked. Where Technocracy touches the free market economy, gangrene sets in. It's like anti-matter coming into contact with matter. The green economy is a free-fall collapse, but it won't deter companies like Siemens from pouring money down the drain.

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May God Help Us: Technocrats Blow The Lid Off Quantum Computing With 1,180-Qubit Processor

I wrote on August 17, 2017, "Proponents of Technocracy are counting on the coming-of-age of quantum computers to enable their science of social engineering and world control. However, this leading physicist says that quantum computers will be ‘tools of destruction, not creation,’ and I think we should be asking some hard questions." You may think this is over your head, but it's not a stretch for you to see the train about to hit us. 

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Technocrat Imposed Tyranny And Why We Must ‘Cut Off The Head Of The Snake’

My friend and international lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, was arrested in Germany on Oct. 14th, and his fate is still uncertain. Why? Because he exposed the crimes against humanity through hundreds of hours of video footage with top scientists, engineers, and medical professionals. Globalists must now play "whack-a-mole" as other voices arise. This is exactly why Free Speech is so important: They can shut some of the people up some of the time, but not all the people all the time. The world is crying out for the head of this snake to be removed.

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Global “Holodomor” Ahead: The Intentional Destruction Of Agriculture

Dutch farmers and fishermen represent the "canary in the coal mine" in the battle to destroy agriculture worldwide. Everything that is happening there is being replicated in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and throughout Europe. Holodomor means "death by hunger," as was intentionally inflicted on Ukrainian peasants during 1932-33, killing at least 5 million. Now that a global Holodomor is forming, it should be as plain as your nose on your face.

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The Westminster Declaration: ‘Censorship-Industrial Complex’ Is Creating A ‘Crisis Of Humanity Itself’

In March 1783, George Washington gave an address, "If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." This only tells that there are always those who want to muzzle everyone else. Today, the most prominent anti-free speech cabal is led by Technocrats, and demonstrably so. These are the pied pipers, ne, the Sirens of Crete who lured sailors to their death with irresistible music.

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