Articles by Patrick Wood

UK Miscarriages Rise 366% After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine

Granted that the numbers are still relatively small, but the statistical increase is stunning. Medical consequences of taking the COVID vaccine will not be forthcoming from Big Pharma, who invariably say that reactions are coincidental to taking the injection. In other words, they are not linked.

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Non-Vaxxers Will Have No Place In The ‘New Normal’ Society

The emerging purpose of the globalist-inspired and executed pandemic is to force everyone into compliance and into their web of control. For those who are not shamed and bullied into taking the vaccine, they can expect exclusion from many aspects of society, such as travel, entrance into certain stores, limited access to government facilities, etc.

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World Leaders Call For More Globalization To Solve Global Pandemic

This is the lie of the century, and exactly the same tripe heard at the Agenda 21 conference in 1992 in Rio, called UNCED (UN Conference on Economic Development) This group had already trashed most of the world's ecology over the previous 50 years, but insisted that the answer to all those problems would be more development. 

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Gov. DeSantis Shoots Down ‘Vaccine Passports’ In Florida

As the Federal government races forward to implement "vaccine passports", Florida again leads the way to assert its States Rights to say "NO!" Technocrats are using the pandemic as an excuse to implement ubiquitous tracking to build a comprehensive portfolio on every citizen. All states should rise up to protect their citizens.

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Buttigieg: Mileage Fees To Replace Gas Tax To Fund Infrastructure

Oregon was the first state to consider a mileage tax that would track all of your mileage, with a GPS device, on which roads or streets you drove, and then send a personalized tax bill to each driver. Excess mileage could be charged an extra carbon tax. Now Buttigieg is bringing this to the national level.

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IPVM: China Using Surveillance Companies To Create Ethnic-Tracking Specs

Imagine automated AI racism that is institutionalized across a nation to cull out certain ethnic groups based on skin color and other physical characteristics. Would America's woke culture rebel against it? China is perfecting the technology and will undoubtedly export it to other nations at some point.

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Biden Administration Ramping Up For New Battle Over Net Neutrality

Today’s net neutrality is not about helping gamers and video consumers get more bandwidth. It is not about equality. Rather, it is about institutionalizing Internet censorship, forcing everyone who disseminates or transmits content to abide by infamous fact-checker rules as leftists determine them.

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