Articles by Patrick Wood

Top Vaccine Expert Calls For Moratorium On COVID Vaccines

One of the world's top vaccine experts who has been traditionally pro-vaccine, is putting the brakes on COVID-19 vaccines calling for an open and transparent scientific debate with experts around the world. His alarm is largely ignored and censored by global media.

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Delingpole: UK Rapidly Moving Toward Police State Tyranny

It is ironic that Britain, the nation that was almost conquered by Nazi Germany in WWII and has long held principles of  personal liberty, is headed in the same direction as a police state.  This is catalyzed by the fact that Britain is awash in the policies of Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development.

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State v. God: A Deeper Look Into The Intensifying Religious War

True Biblical Christianity is pitted against the Progressive state religion that would see man's effort to build the Kingdom of God on earth. The pressure to break the Kingdom of Heaven mentality will only intensify as Technocrats take over the world for their earthly Utopia.

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Brave Browser: An Alternative To Google’s Chrome And Search Engine

As Brave acquires Tailcat search engine technology, it will become the first major alternative to Google's Chrome browser plus Google search engine. All of Google's products track you like a bloodhound chasing a racoon. Brave will not track you, will not filter or manipulate your search results and will not sell your data to the highest bidder.

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At Dubai Airport, Eye Scan Becomes Your Passport

The mideast offers two images. One is scruffy terrorists operating in squalor and the other is the pinnacle of high tech and opulence. The Arab world is intent on leading the world in Fintech, Smart Cities and ubiquitous surveillance, all of which can be wrapped up in a single word: Technocracy.

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