Articles by Patrick Wood

Now Biden Admin Says “We Didn’t Force Anyone To Do Anything… Didn’t Demand Anyone Be Fired”

When forced to watch their own lips as they utter the words that crushed America, now the Biden Admin blithely claims, "We didn't force anyone to do anything," "We didn't demand anyone be fired," "...didn't force anyone to be vaccinated", "...didn't force businesses to shut down," etc. We are ruled by psychotic, sociopathic liars who believe their own lies. They are thoroughly divorced from reality, living in a simulacrum devoid of reality.

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Sam Altman Is Creating Himself In The Image Of Robert Oppenheimer Or Bill Gates?

Some claim OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is the 21st-century version of Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was designed. Oppenheimer was an administrator; Altman is an administrator, venture capitalist, and opportunist. Altman is a pedestrian programmer who clawed his way to the top of a budding empire, just like Bill Gates who created Microsoft in 1975.

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Sam Altman Wants To Replace Normal People With AI

Sam Altman is a pure Technocrat who fancies himself as the savior of the world: most likely, he will destroy it. Some compare him to Albert Einstein. He wrote, "My work at OpenAI reminds me every day about the magnitude of the socioeconomic change that is coming sooner than most people believe."

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Geofencing: How The Government Used Cell Phone Data To Try To Drive Calvary Chapel Out Of Business

This case is about Technocratic overreach, collusion with government officials, and religious persecution. Then the church discovered that it was a victim of GEOFENCING! Calvary Chapel of San Jose has been locked in a battle with Santa Clara County since the Great Panic of 2020.

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Warning : Reality Is Escaping Out The Back Door

I wrote this article for my subscribers recently. After more reflection, this needs to be released to the world as a stark warning: The total collapse of reality may be at hand. We have already witnessed mass formation during the Great Panic of 2020, where large swaths of the world seemingly lost touch with reality. That was just a foretaste of what is about to come.

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15-Minute City: This Statement Should Be Read At Every City Council Meeting In America

After this statement that "schooled" the entire city council in Aurora, ON, notice the spontaneous standing ovation with wild cheering that lasted over 30 seconds. Do you think the citizens got it? Most of the council members look like deer caught in the headlights. I am honored that my work on Technocracy is cited here. Most Canadians understand Technocracy better than their American counterparts.

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Technocracy: ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide

People around the world are wising up about globalists' plans, even in Australia. Many don't understand the role played by Technocracy and Transhumanism, as described in my book "The Evil Twins". However, this is a truism: When free speech is abolished and replaced by propaganda, genocide will show up as certainly as the sun coming up in the morning.

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Technocracy: Digital Public Infrastructure For “One Earth, One Family, One Future”

According to the UN, "Digital public infrastructure (DPI) has emerged as a critical enabler of digital transformation and can turbocharge progress to deliver on the SDGs." Technocracy is coming full circle now by requiring a common identity to track everything that is made or consumed. If you fail to understand this, you're fate may already be sealed.

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Missouri v. Biden: Massive “Whole-Of-Government” Illegal Censorship Conspiracy Exposed

This is a rat's nest. This court case has surfaced at least 67 federal employees representing a dozen agencies, perhaps exposing the largest conspiracy in the history of our nation. This fish stinks from the head down because Biden is the only person who can call for a "whole-of-government" operation, who has been wont to do on multiple occasions.

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