Articles by Patrick Wood

WEF Great Reset: Move Over IoT, Now It’s ‘Internet Of Bodies’

The slippery slope of Technocracy first introduced the "Internet of Things", which was quickly upgraded to "Internet of Everything". Now we rather blatantly have the "Internet of Bodies": connecting, collecting, controlling. Did Klaus Schwab binge-watch too many episodes of Star Trek featuring the Borg?

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Technocrat Andrew Yang Calls For Barcoding Vaccine Recipients

Technocrats view humanity as just another herd of animals, like cattle. Herds need to be corralled, managed and coded for careful monitoring and individual care. They are fed tailored diets and medicated. It's an easy life for the cattle, until you realize that they all end up in the slaughter house in the end.

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Dancing With Technocracy: The Rise Of A New, Technological World Order

When Technocracy was created in the 1930s, the technology didn't exist for total societal control, but the Technocrats nonetheless dreamed about it every day. Huxley's science fiction classic, Brave New World, encapsulated every subtle nuance of it. Today, Technocracy's Utopia is flourishing as never before.

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Calls For Universal Basic Income Continue To Rise

UBI is a concept with deep roots in the historic Technocracy movement from the 1930s. Leading and diverse Technocrats who endorse UBI today include Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Mark Zuckerberg, Ray Kurzweil and former Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson.

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Christian Purge Envisioned During Biden/Harris Administration

Anti-Christian vitriol is rising out of the radical Democrat left and is more clearly framing a coming religious war in America that blames Christians for impeding the "progress" of a dark agenda. The Scientism that underpins Technocracy and Transhumanism only recognizes scientific truth while specifically excluding Biblical truth as mythical, unfounded and dangerous.

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