Articles by Patrick Wood

WEF: Private Property And Privacy Will Vanish By 2030

The only economic system in the world that called for the abolition of private property is Technocracy, where resources would be held in a global common trust administrated by Technocrat scientists and engineers. The WEF's Great Reset is total annihilation of the status quo.

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WEF Reset: Pandemic Could Usher In Universal Health Coverage

Data-driven or "evidence-based" medicine is a purely Technocrat concept at the center of herd management principles. The WEF sees Telemedicine and AI as the ultimate dispenser of health services to an unsuspecting population where personal doctor-patient relationships will not be allowed.

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Police Body Cams, Public Surveillance And Fusion Centers

Fusion is a data processing concept that means normalizing and combining otherwise incompatible data streams into a single stream. DHS Fusion centers, for instance, harvested and transformed state and local data to be compatible with their national database. The same concept works locally.

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Technopopulism Explains Trump Administration’s Affinity For Technocrats

Populists leans on Technocrats to "make things work" but it is often a conflicted and tumultuous partnership. Technocracy under Trump has made great strides in 5G, surveillance, Internet of Things, AI, Operation Warp Speed, etc. Whether Technopopulism or liberal Technocracy, Technocrats win in the end.

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Brain Mapping: Technocrats Are Learning How To Decode Your Thoughts

It was former President Barack Obama who supplied hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds to kickstart the Mapping the Brain initiative by stating that it was as important as mapping the human genome. Since then, Technocrats have taken over to find dystopian ways to turn this newly discovered knowledge into a dystopian human management system.

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Mercola: Whistleblowers Claim Pandemic Is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated On The Human Race

I have written and spoken right from the beginning of pandemic rhetoric that although the virus is real, the pandemic narrative was a gigantic global scam perpetrated by the same Technocrats that perpetuated radical climate alarmism. Same people, same crooked computer models, same outcome.

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Whitehead: Psychological Warfare Disguised As A Pandemic Threat

Maintaining our humanity during an all-out attack against it, it a herculean task. The war against an unseen predator that can only be fought by wearing face masks and breaking human relationships is destroying the very essence of what it is to be human. Think about it.

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Global Corporate Rollout Of ‘Digital Passports’ With Vaccine History Tied To Personal IDs

A global registry of every person on earth will include all of your current and historical personal, financial, psychological, emotional, political, medical, educational and even genetic data. If data is the new oil, then Technocrats are striking it rich as the new ruling class.

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