Articles by Patrick Wood

Big Brother: Your WiFi Can Now Be Used To “See” Throughout Your Home

This should make your hair stand up! Your WiFi router and all your smart appliances (including your smart meter) create a dense web of EMF radiation in your home that can be used to see everything and anyone. A scanner used by someone outside your home can see through walls, spot people inside, see all your stuff, etc. Technocrats invent without conscience, ethics or morality.

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The Fruits of Technocracy: Quantitative Analysis Shows Google Steered 6 Million Votes to Biden in 2020

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, people fought over voting machines, mail-in ballots, signature validation, etc. Meanwhile, Technocrats disguised as the 800-pound gorilla stole the election well before the first ballot was cast - in fact, 6 million of them. Google has been demonstratively caught, but who cares? Google's smoke-and-mirror response: "Who, us?"

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First Personalty Profile Of Elon Musk By Friend And Confidant, Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson is an imminent historian with the Hoover Institution at Stanford and is a close personal friend of Elon Musk. Who better to profile Musk than a historian? Ferguson states, "I have long said he is the Napoleon Bonaparte of our times. Walter Isaacson’s new biography, based on two years of shadowing Musk, reaches a similar conclusion." If you want to know what this Technocrat ticks, read this article word-for-word!

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The Tyranny Of Technocracy And The Religion of Masking

Technocracy claims that it is the "Science of Social Engineering". Technocrats turned to religious practices where face masks were common, then they weaponized the practice across all religions. This served to suppress free speech (i.e., don't talk about technocrats) and to force submissive behavior on those who were too gullible to go along with it. This was a brilliant strategy, if patently evil. When you see this, you will never fall for it again. Free people do not wear masks!

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In The Global Race To Regulate AI, No One Is Quite Sure How

In a never ending exercise in futility, regulators/lawmakers are quickly coming to the conclusion AI can't be corralled. AI runs circles around rules or laws, and genie is already out of the bottle. AI is running at warp speed while humans are running at skate board speed. Alas, there will be wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth.

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Creating God? AI May Be Last Invention Of Mankind

One candid AI engineer: "We're creating God." As these Technocrats barrel toward their goal of AGI, their public persona is disingenuous as they warn of dangers and the need to slow development. As superintelligence emerges it will be accepted as god, display powers like God and take control over mankind.

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Economic Suicide: Germany Passes Green Heating Law Mandating 65% Renewable Energy

This is the face of Technocracy. In an earlier law, Germany mandated that homes replace gas/coal/oil heating systems with electric. Now they are demanding the new systems use 65% alternative energy from windmills and solar panels. These "greens" are crushing their country. Crushing. And now John Kerry, Joe Biden and the Green New Deal crowd are ready to cram it down our throats in America. 

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Court Finds Arizona’s Signature Matching Process Unlawful in ‘Massive Win’ for Election Integrity

Don't bother to search for this article on Google. When Kari Lake contested the 2022 election results against Katie Hobbs, she was excoriated over claims that mail-in ballots were handled illegally. Now an Arizona judge has ruled that the “statute is clear and unambiguous”. While Lake's legal fight continues, this is the crack in the dyke of election fraud.

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Scientists Grow Human Embryo Without Sperm, Egg or Womb

You read it right: a human zygote created without sperm, egg or womb. This author repeats herself for emphasis: "first 14 days", "first two weeks", "day-14 embryo", "14-day mark". These Transhuman scientists conducting this experiment had to terminate it within 14 days or face termination or worse.

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