Articles by Patrick Wood

Welsh To Receive Certificate Of Vaccination To Prove Status

Technocrats around the world are brewing a public-private nightmare as a two-class system creates haves and have-nots based on vaccines.  If you want to get along, you will be forced to go along. The goal is to dominate and re-engineer the human condition.

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Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective

Lockdowns and mask mandates are social engineering tactics to prepare citizens for the Great Reset. In the eyes of Technocrats, you must obey their pseudo-science. The spread of COVID-19 is blamed on humans who refuse to obey, and therefore all must be further punished.

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Operation Warp Speed: Your One-Way Ticket To Total Surveillance

"Incredibly precise... tracking systems... very active pharmacovigilance surveillance system." These are not idle words, but express a decades-old plan to track and monitor every person on earth. The COVID vaccine will open the door into a surveillance nightmare worthy of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

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New Jersey: Almost One-Third Of Small Businesses Closed In 2020

The destruction of small businesses is not merely an unintended consequence of pandemic hysteria. Nor should we just wring our hands and say, "Oh, well." Rather, we are witnessing a business genocide, a killing field of jobs and dreams. The "Great Reset" is predicated on the utter destruction of Capitalism and Free Enterprise.

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Fearsome Fauci: Forget Christmas, New Year’s, Hugging Grandma

Technocrat Anthony Fauci continues to preach self-denial and social lockdown measures such as wearing masks, social distancing and staying home. Will there ever be an end to this? Not likely unless America simply throws it all down and tells the Fauci's of the world to get out of public policy.

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