Articles by Patrick Wood

China 2021: The State Of Surveillance

China will have 560 million facial recognition cameras by 2021, having increased by 70 percent since 2015. By 2018, this is one camera per 4.1 citizens; by comparison, the U.S. has one camera per 4.6 citizens.

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CommonPass Plus Instant DNA Screening To Enable Technocrat Management Of All Humans

By the end of 2021, governments and industry will possess handheld DNA sequencers to instantly couple your DNA to a digital passport such as Commonpass. This is the holy grail of Technocracy and will rapidly usher in its Scientific Dictatorship.

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Baltimore Spy Planes Grounded, Failed To Reduce Homicides

Baltimore's spy planes are grounded after being exposed as a costly Technocrat boondoggle. In the meantime, the planes surveilled all citizens in violation of the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution.

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DNA Mugshots Are Infiltrating Police Departments

Phrenology reads the bumps on your head to predict mental traits. Phrenotyping uses your DNA to create your mugshot for law enforcement. Both are cracked but the latter was financed by the Department of Defense and is now being adopted by police departments.

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Email Giant Mailchimp Now Censoring And Deactivating Accounts

Across the spectrum of the Internet world, outright war has been declared on Free Speech and the First Amendment. Social media, payment processors, search engines, telecommunications and now email services are ganged up against the entire body of conservative thought in America.

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Is China Running Big Tech In America?

China is the most oppressive and censored Technocracy in the world, and it is wholly dedicated to the "Science of Social Engineering". Its tentacles into America have been routinely identified and then routinely censored. China's most important hooks, however, are in Big Tech itself.

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Facebook’s Use Of Chinese Censors Borders On Treason

If this Facebook whistleblower had not emerged, we would never have known that the self-appointed master censor of the universe employs Chinese nationals with potential ties to the CNP. This story itself will likely be censored into oblivion. 

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