Articles by Patrick Wood

The World Bank Throws Full Weight Behind The Great Reset

For decades, the global elite hid their plans behind environmental extremists, but now they have fully revealed themselves as being the master architects from the very beginning. The World Bank, IMF and Bank for International Settlements are in a coordinated tryst to reform the planet.

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UN Pushes Universal Health Care To Fight COVID-19

To help the world better deal with pandemics, the United Nations is calling for a Universal Health Care system that would span all nations and be controlled by the UN itself. This is all in the name of furthering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the UN created to usher in Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Big Tech’s Censorship Is Electronic Book Burning In Real Time

Every evil revolution in history has had its book burning day to purge information detrimental to its success. Today's censorship will ultimately be viewed as that essential part of Technocracy's coup d'etat. Without knowledge and the ability to communicate freely, there can be no resistance.

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Technocracy Vs. The Republic: The Fight For Our Future

Because the pandemic is being used to destroy constitutional rights and especially the First Amendment, the very mechanism of citizen resistance is disappearing. If you cannot communicate, you cannot resist. Taking over all public media and stomping free speech has always been the first order of business in previous revolutions.

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Scientists Openly Look To ‘Chemtrails’ to Cool Planet Earth

or all those who suffered abuse, ridicule and shaming for blowing the whistle on "chemtrails" in years past, or the spraying of sun-reflecting materials into the atmosphere, you are now officially vindicated as the entire program is out in the open for all to see and it is rapidly gaining global support.

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Flashback: U.S. Participated In Extremist ‘One World, One Health’

The "challenges that undoubtedly lie ahead" were all wildly speculative and smacked of environmental extremism, but why did the CDC and Department of Agriculture participate in this craziness? Both of these agencies should have condemned these proceedings rather than embraced them.

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Mercola: How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged

Technocracy's coup d'etat is intensifying as it targets individual citizens to force compliance with its intended global Technate, or scientific dictatorship. This is a war for outright domination over your body and soul, and the proverbial line has been drawn in the sand.

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Operation Warp Speed Head And Gates Foundation Are Pushing BioElectronics And Vaccine Patches

It's not too complicated. Trump's appointee to head OWS, Dr. Moncef Slaoui, was hired as a contractor instead of a government employee, thus allowing him to sidestep conflict of interest charges. Yet, he presides over the U.S. military's massive campaign to flood America with COVID vaccines. 

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Delta Airlines Has Banned 460 ‘Anti-Maskers’

There are no laws or even FAA regulations that require airlines to enforce mandates to wear masks on flights.  Rather, they obey arbitrary "guidelines" issued by a questionable quasi-federal agency, the CDC.

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