Articles by Patrick Wood

Technocrat Fauci: Now It’s Time For A National Mask Mandate

Technocrats can flip-flop on their scientific crystal ball just as fast as any carpetbagger politician can read the political tea-leaves. The only reality they acknowledge is their own, and their goals justify the means to achieve them.

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Brave New Normal: Turning The World Into A Covid-Cult

Regardless of your understanding of the Great Panic of 2020 (COVID-mania), there is little doubt that it has seriously messed with everyone's psychological, mental and emotional states. Disjointed thinking, fractured reality, Hegelian Dialectic, group-think, etc., are hallmarks of today's world.

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Mercola: The Global Technocrat Takeover Is Underway

This is a must-read article by Dr. Joseph Mercola, who clearly delineates the threats we face from Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, aka the Great Reset, aka the Global Green New Deal, aka Scientific Dictatorship.

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TechnoPopulism: Blinded By Scientism

That Scientism and Populism are "evil twins of civic discourse that drive out the sober and deliberative judgments that can help a nation hold together and flourish" is almost an understatement. 

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Historical Insight: When Good Governments Go Bad

The world has never seen a Technocracy, but all previous civilizations and governmental systems have come and gone. Accordingly, the United States and its Constitutional Republic of government is in its sunset phase unless its citizenry can resuscitate it. 

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First Test Of “Immunity Passports” Taking Place Today

The CommonPass system is made possible by Rockefeller Foundation grants to its creator, The Commons Project. Its advisory board consists of dozens of corporate and health-related principals who are tightly connected with the world Economic Forum.

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