Articles by Patrick Wood

Facebook Debuts New Climate Change Info Center

Facebook is honing its propaganda machine with its third "Information Center" in recent months, this one focusing on Climate Change. The 'settled science' of global warming is not worthy to be called pseudo-science, but rather it is really 'fraudulent science.'

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Former Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Promotes ‘green new deal’

During his 34 years in Congress, Harry Reid used every dirty political trick in the book to further his radical, progressive agenda, including Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Now he is in the center of an effort to subvert more conservative states into a 'green new deal'

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Chinese Virologist Whistleblower: China Made It, Turned It Loose

The testimony of Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan states that China made the COVID-19 virus and intentionally released it to cause harm to the rest of the world. Since China is a Technocracy, it is complicit in the goals of Technocracy, namely, the destruction of Capitalism and Free Enterprise.

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Yelp Data: 60% Of Pandemic Closures Are Now Permanent

The Technocrat-led Great Panic of 2020 has created outright genocide among small business in America. Small businesses account for 80% of overall jobs in America, and as a mainstay of employment, took decades to develop: Now destroyed in mere months.

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The Pandemic Zombiefication Of European Businesses

The Great Panic of 2020 is taking its toll on European businesses as companies that are like the "walking dead" are not foreclosed because banks cannot afford to write off the bad debts, lest they also be declared bankrupt. The real carnage is yet to come.

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New Study Admits That COVID-19 Can Infect Brain Cells

Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD wrote in May that "By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain." That's why I will never wear a mask!

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Pentagon Looks To Replace Human Hackers With AI

The Industrial/Military Complex is saturated with Technocrats who have algorithmic solutions for everything, including warfare. WWIII will be fought with AI-driven asymmetric tactics at the speed of light and far beyond human ability to understand what it is doing.

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