Articles by Patrick Wood

Technosexuals: Alarming Rise Of Dysfunctional Behavior

This story shows the unfortunate outcome of the unbridled use of personal technology in society, namely, the inability to create or maintain normal, intimate relationships with members of the opposite sex. It is an upward trend that has no end in sight.

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OHIO: Get Ready For COVID-19 FEMA Camps

Don't blame Democrats for Republican Governor Mike DeWine's dystopian partnering with FEMA to set up isolation camps throughout Ohio to fight COVID-19. DeWine is undeterred by multiple court orders striking down parts of his unconstitutional mandates.

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Fauci Looks To UN To ‘Rebuild The Infrastructure Of Human Existence’

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a United Nations wolf in sheep's clothing telling America why it is so important to save lives from the dreaded COVID-19 virus while pandering for the most radical parts of United Nations agenda for the world. That is, Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Another Scare-You-To-Death COVID-19 Computer Model Surfaces

As the new White House coronavirus adviser suggests working toward 'herd immunity', Big Pharma is panicking to destroy the concept by predicting 210,000 extra deaths if that strategy is adopted. Technocrats want to keep the masks on while maintaining strict social distancing.

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Global Technocracy And The ‘Great Reset’ Is Coming Like A Bullet Train

This important book review by Steven Guinness (UK) reveals the same old language of 'interdependence', collaboration and cooperation that was heard from the Trilateral Commission in 1973. The then-and-now goal is Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, and will result in the biggest resource grab in the history of the world.

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Smart Grid Control For Energy To Be Extended To Water

Controlling fresh and waste water is part of Technocracy's domination over energy and economic activity. Fresh water can be metered and allocated while sewage can be sampled for the presence of coronavirus. Statements about controlling human health are increasingly seen across all Technocrat memes.

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WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

The pseudo-science promoting lockdowns, face masks, social distancing and business closures is being exposed as it falls apart. The world has been "had" by megalomaniacal Technocrats who have treated their faulty science as some sort of god that is omniscient, infallible and immutable.

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Fauci Booted, Replaced By Medical Realist Dr. Scott Atlas

Technocrats Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx are likely hopping mad because they have lost control over the pandemic narrative in America. Fauci's replacement, Dr. Scott Atlas, promotes a very different approach to healing America, including herd immunity.

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