Articles by Patrick Wood

Patrick Wood Speaks Technocracy On KrisAnne Hall Radio Show

This informative interview released just today will help you to understand the current wave of censorship sweeping social media like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.  It is not adequate to blame leftists, progressives, Marxists, Communists, Fascists, etc. These companies are led by Technocrats who have a very narrow view of Utopia, and are intent on forcing it upon the world.

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Flashback 2007: Global Banks Adopting Islam

Either global bankers are seducing Islamic dictators, or vice versa. Even if they are seducing each other at the same time, the result will be the same: Islamic/Shari'a banking is coming to the United States and other western nations

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Shocking Computing Advances Are Pushing Smart Cities Into Reality

Computer processing capacity is about to overtake data storage capacity. This is the point of inflection that I have warned about for several years, and it promises a very dangerous and unpredictable near-term future. Most people will not know what hit them, being unable to understand the implications of it.

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Guiyang, China: Real-Time Facial Recognition From Cameras In 10,000 Public Areas Catch Suspects In 2 Minutes

Americans think, "Haha, look at what China is doing", not realizing that this very same technology is coming to America and will enable a Scientific Dictatorship at which even Huxley or Orwell would recoil. Well, Americans had better wake up the the real and present danger of Technocracy!

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