Articles by Patrick Wood

‘The Perfect Crime’: Has Google Taken Over Election Results?

Technocrats working in Big Tech companies have zero regard for political systems, believing that voters exist only to be scientifically manipulated into into making "better" decisions; after all, Technocrats and Transhumanists "have the indisputable science" of the rightness or wrongness of any topic and thus see no problem in "educating" the ignorant masses into following their "science".

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Frankenbrain: Merging AI With Human Brain Cells

Brain cells in a petri dish integrated with AI circuits? What could possibly go wrong? Technocrats and Transhumanists will stop at nothing to merge technology with the human body.There are no ethical or moral boundaries to guide them. There are no regulations or laws to stop them. It's the wild, wild west all over again.

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Biden Launches Permanent ‘Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy’

The Military/Industrial/Biosecurity cartel scored a major victory with the establishment of a permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy". The first pandemic tsar to head the new agency is Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul Friedrichs. Manufacturer of COVID-19 mRNA injections: Military. Delivery of shots to America: Military (Operation Warp Speed). Enforcement of future pandemic policies: Military. Do you see a trend here? 

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Woe To Humans: How AI Is Dehumanizing Humanity

The evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism are conjoined in purpose to decrease the human population on planet earth, and to micromanage those lucky enough to live in a scientific dictatorship. This is now well documented on multiple fronts in today's world. The result is that humanness is being disintegrated.

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CBDCs As A Weapon To Debank The Banked

If implemented as planned, CBDCs will end federalism, crush the U.S. Constitution, destroy the existing banking/financial system and slam dunk Technocracy into place. You don't want to go along with this? You will be debanked, defunded and thrown out of economic life until you decide to comply. It's a roundabout way to say "inclusive".

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Sam Altman’s Worldcoin Is A Precursor To Global Universal Basic Income

Worldcoin is being developed by two arch-Technocrats, Sam Altman and Alex Blania. Altman, an ardent supporter of Universal Basic Income (UBI), so it is no surprise that IndianExpress carries an article that states, "Worldcoin aims to eventually bring Universal Basic Income to the masses." This is pure Technocracy, not Communism or Socialism."

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BIS Blueprint For ‘Unified Ledger’: Global Control Of ALL Assets, Information & People

Tokenizing the world means declaring digital value of all physical resources. This means all your property plus impersonal assets like the rain forrest in Brazil. Average citizens will be given the digitized version of assets but the real assets will remain under the control of the central bank system, with the BIS sitting at the top of the pyramid. 'Unified Ledger' is a must-understand concept.

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Big Tech Overlords Decry Lack Of AI Regulation, Then Fight Regulators To Stand Down

Google's discovery and exploitation of Surveillance Capitalism pales in comparison to the spread of AI in healthcare. It is a wild west of perpetual lawlessness with no accountability or transparency. Whatever gains that can be established within the next two or three years will decide who has the bulk of market share and hence, perpetual profits.

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Google Is Developing AI To Write News Stories

With the advent of ChatGPT, consumers of news rejected thoughts of AI-generated news stories. Now, Technocrats at Google have officially institutionalized the practice as it has already developed a product to write news and is currently testing it. If widely used, it will be like dumping raw sewage into the ocean.

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Biden Admin Looking To Outlaw Almost All Portable Gas Generators

There is no end to the lunacy of climate-crazed Technocrats. After going after bans on gas stoves and heaters, the Biden Administration is now looking at regulations that would wipe out almost all portable gas generators. Contractors? Emergency power? Bug out safe havens? Forget it.

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