Articles by Patrick Wood

White House To Crack Down On AI, Appoints VP Kamala Harris To Lead Task Force

AI needs to be regulated. The vacuous White House has stepped in to save the day by appointing the even more vacuous VP Kamala Harris to head the task force. What's wrong with this picture? What could possibly go wrong? The least intelligent will try to understand the most intelligent and rein it in from destroying humanity.

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Neera Tanden Will Replace Trilateral Susan Rice As Domestic Policy Czar

Susan Rice was point person for the Trilateral Commission in Biden's White House. She is now replaced by an equally nefarious character, Nerra Tanden, who formerly served as President of the Center for American Progress (CAP). CAP was founded by Trilateral Commission member John Podesta, who is also serving in the inner court of the current Biden Administration.

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Transhumanist Peter Thiel Is Planning Cryopreservation After Death

Peter Thiel is a hardcore Transhumanist who has invested millions in life-extension technologies. To cover all the bases, he now plans to have his head frozen, post-death,  to -321 degrees Fahrenheit in hopes that he might be unfrozen at a later date to have his brain/soul downloaded into a computer to achieve immortality.

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Who Wants A Brain Machine Interface, Anyway?

A thorough analysis of the ethics associated with brain-machine interfaces (BMI) that is lacking in the industry itself. In general, ethic studies typically do not exist in the Technocrat/Transhumanist industry because it hinders their advancement of technology. Technocrats invent because the can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so.

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Under Xi, China Continues To Solidify And Consolidate Its Technocracy

You can still see the visible trappings of former Communism in China, but the substance of the country has morphed into hard-core Technocracy. This was intentional and not accidental, as evidenced by many internal and external reports. For all those who thought Chairman Xi was moving away from Technocracy, this article proves that he is dead set on increasing Technocrat power.

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Kennedy: WEF And Bill Gates Are Using ‘Climate Change’ To Control Population

RFJ, Jr. is an old-school environmentalist, of which there are very few left. Modern environmentalism was hijacked decades ago by the Rockefeller cartel and the original "greens" were kicked out. I have interviewed some of these displaced citizens and they are generally livid that everything they originally worked for was summarily discarded, while the new environmentalism became destructive to the environment.

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Technocrat Scientists Learn How To Read Minds Without Implants

No surgery. No implants. ChatGPT-like AI can read minds with 50% accuracy. It's rudimentary. Embryonic. It's the result of 15 years of continuous work. You can see where this is headed in the hands of Technocrats who are bent on knowing everything about the universe down to the synapses of your brain and the structure of your DNA.

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Author Of Limits To Growth (1972) Still Promotes Population Reduction Of 86%

Meadows is insane to think that getting rid of 6 billion or so human inhabitants of earth can be "peaceful" or "fair". Yet, his Club of Rome was a creation of the Rockefeller dynasty which has spread and embedded these crazy ideas throughout the world. Another Club of Rome book (1991) stated, "The real enemy then, is humanity itself." To this day, genocidal thinking is everywhere in elite circles.

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King Charles Plots To Accelerate UN 2030 Agenda Goals And Complete Digitization Of Humanity

Nobody in their right mind would call King Charles a Communist. He is a Technocrat of the worst sort, bent on implementing the U.N.' 2030 Agenda with its 17 SDGs, al of which sum up in historic Technocracy from the 1930s. Charles also intends to require his "subjects" to swear an oath of allegiance to him as king. Technocracy is the clear and present danger to the entire world.

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Skynet Rising: Robot Dog Merged With ChatGPT Brain

Every development like this will be used by the military to ultimately turn on the citizens of their own country. DARPA is already firmly embedded in Boston Dynamics, the Internet, Open AI, Google, etc. Imagine an army of robots equipped with ChatGPT and facial recognition to patrol the streets of America. Too far fetched for you? It's time to get in touch with reality!

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