Articles by Patrick Wood

Insanity: Biden Energy Secretary Wants All US Military Vehicles To Be Electric By 2030

Considering the vast number of U.S. military vehicles around the world, Biden's Secretary of Energy thinks that we can just rebuild the entire empire with electric vehicles instead - in just 7 years. If war breaks out, the military would have to ask for a timeout to install charging stations on the enemy's battlefield.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: “There Is No Time In History Where The People Who Were Censoring Speech Were The Good Guys”

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is going to give fits to left-wing democrats who have been colluding with Silicon Valley to crush Free Speech and the First Amendment. Kennedy has tasted up-close censorship and cancelship and is a champion for the First Amendment rights of all Americans. He will be vilified, marginalized and bullied in coming months.

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Trilateral Susan Rice Is Leaving Her Post As Biden’s Domestic Policy Advisor

Whenever current or former members of the Trilateral Commission make a move in American politics, TN will cover it. Susan Rice has been a one-woman wrecking ball running Biden's domestic policy program. She's served her purpose. Top contender to replace her is Neera Tanden, former president of ultra left-wing Center for American Progress, founded by Trilateral John Podesta

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WHO: The Most Dangerous Global Treaty Ever Proposed

If the World Health Organization's treaty is widely ratified, the evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism will have triumphed over global health, and hence, over humanity. The Transhuman goal of creating Humanity 2.0 will be within reach with an endless flow of mRNA gene therapy injections. The WHO's biggest contributor and influencer? Bill Gates.

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Face Mask Risk: Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline

Face mask mandates were purely tyrannical as zero science has surfaced to support their use. To the contrary, peer-reviewed studies have repeatedly shown the deleterious effects of wearing a mask for an extended period of time. Did Fauci, et al, understand this when they ordered mask wearing? Absolutely so!

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Climate Change Skepticism Is Growing Despite Nonstop Propaganda

Despite continued efforts to flood the world with global warming propaganda, more and more people are responding "meh" while turning away. Technocrats who created the global warming scam in the first place appear compelled to continue in the same direction, regardless of resistance. Only total rejection will dethrone Technocracy.

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Whitehead: Don’t Let The Government Criminalize Free Speech

Free Speech is a core element of a healthy, functioning society. The vacuum created by its absence can only be filled with tyranny. The government's attempt to criminalize Free Speech is not just inconvenient, but rather it is existential. George Washington  saw this clearly: "dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

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Senators Introduce S.884 To Create Digital Identity For All Americans

Arizona's very own Sen. Krysten Sinema has joined the WEF and Bilderberg group to enter the rarified atmosphere of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Elected as a Democrat, she became an Independent so she could work both sides of the political isle. Sinema is a climber and S.884 proves the point.

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Farmers Furious As Environmentalists Escalate War On Food

Technocracy's war on food is persistent, crushing and totally mean-spirited. It has nothing to do with "saving the environment" or preventing global warming, but rather seeks population reduction and subjugation. The EU, an emerging Technocracy itself, is spearheading this assault on food and farmers in general.

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Corbett: Your Guide To 5th Generation Warfare

James Corbett understands Technocracy and Transhumanism, its actors and its enforcers. When TN declared war on Technocracy in 2015, it was in response to this "5th Generation Warfare" that was being prosecuted against the citizens of the world - not against nation-states, but against the citizens of those states.

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