Articles by Patrick Wood

Big Pharma Technocrats Use COVID Model To Push RSV Vaccines

Medical Technocrats embedded in government hierarchy are running the same game plan as with COVID to mandate vaccines wherever they can direct the needle. In this case, it is for babies and toddlers and a common but mild virus known as RSV. Will they ever stop? No, not until it is unprofitable for them to continue.

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Some Europeans Are Waking Up To Lunacy Of “Ideology-Driven” Energy Crisis

It may be too little, too late, but some European politicians are waking up to the fact that a politician-hating fifth column of environmental ideologues have taken them for a ride into energy oblivion. Killing energy kills people, disrupts societies, destroys trust between government and people, etc.

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Spending Your Money: It’s ‘Finance Day’ At COP27

Al Gore is the ultimate huckster when pumping the UN delegates to climate action. In bunko terms, this is the practice of "shaking the money tree" to loose money that is easy to grab. Gore's climate claims are patently absurd and not one of his predictions over the years have come true. This is Technocracy and pseudo-science at its worst, and it's coming for the world.

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Global Stink: UN COP27 Attendees In Egypt Greeted With Sewage

COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt drew over 30,000 global meddlers by jet to plan how to railroad the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Appropriately, a sewage spill let them meditate on the global stink they are causing to the rest of the world. Private jets are given a free pass because their self-praised work is so essential to "saving" humanity.

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UN Seeks Control Over Agriculture, Blames For Global Warming

World famine is all but guaranteed as the UN blames farming and ranching for over one-third of so-called greenhouse gas emissions, and then seeks to impose policies to limit those emissions. Restricting farming and ranching reduces life-sustaining food needed to keep humans from going extinct. The UN is trying to refocus an existing $18 trillion investment into solving the food problem.

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Oman’s Energy Minister: It’s Foolish To Assume Renewables Can Meet Global Demand

The late Professor Antony Sutton wrote Energy: The Created Crisis in 1977, which coincided with the beginning of the alternative energy industry. The object was to control energy and hence, the economy. Now we know that controlling the economy meant destroying it and replacing it with Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Kerry, Podesta, Macron: Technocrats Openly Hostile Toward Capitalism

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, must destroy Capitalism and free market economics in order to control all production and consumption. Global hostility is rising with national leaders saying Capitalism 'No longer works". Fools who buy this tripe will soon learn what this means: "You will own nothing and be happy."

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Reject Technocratic Overlords, Demand Paper Ballots!

Technocracy seeks to destroy the political layer of society in favor of direct scientific dictatorship. Think China. Paper ballots and hand counting is easy but not for Technocrats who are compelled to complicate everything with technological solutions that don't work and cannot be trusted.

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Greta Thunberg Shuns COP27, Calls For ‘Overthrow Of The Whole Capitalist System’

Greta Thunberg has moved past global warming and onto the main event: overthrowing capitalism altogether in favor of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. This has been the goal of global warming fear mongering from the very beginning of climate alarmism. Her handlers obviously understand the scam.

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