Articles by Patrick Wood

CIA-Linked Company Now Making mRNA For Moderna’s Reformulated COVID Booster Shots

This is a massive story that exposes the extensive plan to provide non-stop mRNA vaccines at scale for every human on earth and yes, the CIA also has their hand in it. Moderna's new booster is being "approved" even though there has not been a single independent test or human trial, and it will be manufactured by a CIA-linked company.

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Rockefeller Foundation Pumps Behavioral Scientists For Better COVID Vaxx Narratives To Increase Uptake

According to early Technocrats, Technocracy is the "science of social engineering". Technocrat globalists are vacant on why their COVID-19 "vaccine" narrative did not work as well as expected, so the Rockefeller Foundation is doubling down to find out why and create better narratives.

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The Controlled Demolition Of Europe

There are tectonic rumblings throughout Europe and there is no clear outcome just yet. Leaders and borders may change. However, it is clear that there is an orchestrated plan to deconstruct the existing world order to prepare for the "new", i.e., the WEF's Great Reset, aka Technocracy.

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CDC Flip-Flop Creates Plausible Deniability For Crimes Against Humanity

The CDC has vindicated "misinformation spreaders" by the wholesale reversing of society-killing policies that plagued us since early 2020. The pivot provides plausible deniability of "we have seen the light" for the current Administration and opens the door to blame Trump for starting the whole debacle in the first place. 

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Dr. Meryl Nass Debunks SARS-CoV-2 ‘Virus Isn’t Real’, ‘Never Been Isolated’ Myths

In my 45 years of research and writing, there has been a constant flow of myths that pop up to muddy the waters. In the majority of cases, these myths were part of a psychological operation (psyop) to distract, divide and confuse the truth. Unfortunately, too many people believe the lie and are neutralized. It's time to put an end to this myth that SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist and hasn't been isolated. It does and it has!

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California To Ban Sale Of New Gasoline Cars By 2035

California is a perfect mega-example of "Go woke, go broke".  On July 18, the Supreme Court ruled that the EPA cannot set emissions caps. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) thinks it can just do it anyway, making California the first and only government in the world to ban gas cars.

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Invasion: 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Entered US Since Biden Elected

Illegal immigration into Europe and the US is the specific policy of the Trilateral Commission that re-birthed Technocracy in 1973. The late Peter Sutherland said, "No other force—not trade, not capital flows—has the potential to transform lives in sustainable, positive ways and on the scale that migration does”. He almost single-handedly broke Europe through invasion from the mideast.

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Energy Crisis: Thousands Of UK Firms Could Collapse And Disappear

Economic destruction is the certain outcome of energy shortages. This is piled on top of economic destruction seen from 2020-2022 COVID lockdowns. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum continues to blather on about the benefits of the Great Reset and Build Back Better. The problem is that millions could die in the process while no one is held accountable. This is the heartbeat of Technocracy and it is coming fast.

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Energy Crisis: Europe Faces Total Chaos As Forced Energy Rationing Begins

The contrived war in Ukraine has brought Europe's energy dependence to its knees, driving prices to the moon. Worse, there will be large pockets of population that have zero energy at any price. People will die and new riots will make the old ones look like a birthday party. Considering Biden's war on energy in the U.S., do  you wonder what he and his son, Hunter Biden, were doing in Ukraine in the first place?

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