4th Industrial Revolution

Death By Robots: Increased Automation Is Elevating Mortality Rates

Technocrats promised that robots and automation are supposed to make life easier and more enjoyable. What could have gone wrong with that? Well, it turns out to be another empty promise that so far has resulted in the exact opposite outcome. At the present rate of change. the trend can only get worse.

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Charge: Google Hammering Competitors By Manipulating Browser Extensions

Google is using every available tool and technology to crush its competitors and maintain its dominance in extracting behavioral surplus from humanity. In the 1800s, oil was extracted from the earth; now, Technocrats digitize and extract human behavior for the certainty of control and manipulation.

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Technocrats At IMF, World Bank Plus 10 Countries Held Alarming “Simulation” Of Global Financial System Collapse

ust as the Great Panic of 2020 pandemic was carefully scripted and simulated by Event 201 in October 2019, a drill of a cyber-attack induced collapse of the global financial system was recently held under the direction of the Technocrat-laden IMF and World Bank. Skeptics of the latest exercise are greatly concerned that it too, could turn out to be another self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Autonomous Truck Yard Has More Robots Than Human Workers

The Great Panic of 2020, aka pandemic, has driven robot automation to new levels because of worker shortages. What some are saying were "nightmarish jobs", were jobs nonetheless and provided a living for now-displaced workers. With increasing use of robots, Universal Basic Income is seen as the only way to assuage the new class of unemployables.

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Businesses Face $700,000 Fine For Not Forcing Shots On Employees

The Biden Administration is destroying the supply chain via port traffic, border controls by removing the wall, health by mandating vaccines, consumers with hyper-inflation and is now destroying companies and the labor market. Never have so few done so much to implement a scorched-earth program of economic destruction.

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States And Communities Can Fight Back Against Tyranny And Lawlessness

TN declared war on Technocracy in 2018, but few responded. However, given today's global pandemic of tyranny, many are recognizing that we must fight back whether we like it or not. This is not a war that we started or desired, but it is clear that Technocrats at all levels are being exposed for what they are: tyrants.

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Great Reset: Technocrat Agenda To Steer Global Society Towards Massive Surveillance And Control

The WEF's planned Great Reset is the main column of attack in the battle to implement Technocracy on a global scale. It is a return to frontal assault after four decades of "end run around national sovereignty." Its plans for scientific dictatorship are laid bare by its own actors.

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