
T-Mobile: IoT And ‘The Transformative Promise Of 5G’

T-Mobile paid to have this article appear on the CNBC website, and you can read for yourself that 5G is all about the IoT and tracking things that move. T-Mobile's 5G network will operate at the ultra-high frequency of 600MHz.

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5G Won’t Resolve The Digital Divide, Could Make It Worse

Even some industry insiders believe that 5G will exacerbate the 'haves and have nots' of the existing digital world, and will produce new divides. In other words, there will be new winners and losers with many being left out.

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Thanks To Musk And Bezos, The Night Sky Will Never Be The Same

The FCC granted permission for Technocrats Musk and Bezos to launch tens of thousands of 5G satellites into orbit, but the FCC gave no thought to their appearance: shiny, bright and fast moving. Astronomy will never be the same again.

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Telecoms Face Major Global Resistance To 5G Rollout

You will never see or hear about success stories of 5G protests or blocking legislation, yet there are dozens of nations throwing up roadblocks over the potential health risks of electromagnetic radiation and data privacy. 5G is not a fait accompli. 

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Moms Fight 5G In Hinsdale, IL over Safety Issues

Three angry moms demand health data before allowing 5G cell towers in their neighborhoods. In turn, hundreds of others are following suit. In fact, there are ample studies documenting the adverse effects of radiation, but 5g cell carriers deny and/or suppress such information, pleading ignorance or shifting responsibility off on the government.

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FCC Allocates $9 Billion For Rural 5G Rollout

In a massive handout, Technocrat lobbyists and those within the FCC are orchestrating payment of taxpayer funds to wireless carriers to install 5G into rural areas. One application is for 'precision agriculture.'

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