
5G Is A Wrong Way Driver On The Highway Of Scientific Inquiry

]Federal and state regulators and in particular the FCC have been overrun by industry lobbyists who have side-stepped virtually all health-testing requirements for 5G. States, counties and cities have the power to properly regulate 5G and the Internet of Things, but citizens must first make their voices heard

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China V. America: Global Battle for 5G Dominance

The United States and China are in a race to develop fifth-generation (5G) cellular wireless technology, which could determine who controls mobile telecommunications in the…...

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The People WON Britain’s First 5G Court Case

5G companies play on the ignorance of local politicians to get what they want, and when that doesn't work, slander, bullying, smearing and label-lynching become the strategy du jour. However, 5G can only be dealt with on a local basis.

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Wireless Wars: When Censors Control the Sensors

Technocracy is about using collected data to engineer and control all of  society by a select few who believe they have the answers for mankind. This movement got traction in the 1930s but was rejected by American by the 1940s. Now, it's back and little has changed.

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City Mayors Are Furious Over FCC Ruling On 5G Rollout

The Agenda 21-soaked U.S. Conference of Mayors has been thrown under the bus by hard-core Technocrats who took over the FCC in order to roll over cities with 5G installation. Mayors are livid but now they learn who is boss.

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5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System

The Technocrat leaders of the 5G revolution go way beyond just cell-phone carriers and include any all proponents of Smart Cities, Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, ubiquitous surveillance and law enforcement. In the rush to 'light up IoT", safety testing has been scrapped and/or ignored.

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Big Tech Tells Government To Step Aside On 5G Rollout

The Administration is rife with Technocrat thinking on 5G. The Director of the National Economic Council blames states and cities for getting in the way of 5G rollout and must be stopped. He says the FCC ruling is not meant to trample on the sovereignty of cities and states, but it does. This is deemed necessary because in order to beat China, we must be more like China.

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FCC Ruling On 5G Fees Blocks Cities From Surcharge Fees

5G carriers have successfully lobbied the FCC to block city surcharges on their 5G installations. This oversteps FCC authority and is patently unconstitutional. Basically, carriers want cities to stay out of their hair as they rollout 5G nilly-willy across America. This underscores that Big Tech is in full control of the political/regulatory process.

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