Who Should Autonomous Vehicles Kill In A Collision?

Here is an interesting opinion piece regarding a very serious moral dilemma facing autonomous vehicles: If their occupants are willing to trust their lives to AI driving, then they should be the first to risk their lives when a choice presents itself. Innocent bystanders should never be put at risk

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Oops! Your 3D-Printed Head Can Trick Your Phone To Unlock

The latest smart phones scan your face to identify you and to unlock the device. Clever researchers have found that a common 3D printer can print a replica of your face/head that works just as well as your real face.

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Fool You: Creepy Nvidia AI Generates Authentic-Looking Humans

Nvidia's technology is creepy enough just by itself, but it can be used to take your image and then make it say anything they want without detecting fakery. Nvidia is a leader in graphics, AI, Smart City technology and facial recognition.

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Historic? DeepMind’s AlphaZero AI Shows Human-Like Intuition

It's only a chess game this time, but in real life do we really want AI that "readily sacrificed its soldiers for a better position in the skirmish... placing far less value on individual pieces."? Intuition is a characteristic of the human soul, which inert AI can never duplicate.

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