Climate Change

UNDP: Why Legal Identity Is Crucial To Tackling The Climate And Energy Crisis

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is revealing its plan for Technocracy, which is predicated on digital identity for all humans on Earth. Climate and energy have nothing to do with it. The 850 million people who have no identity (in poorer countries) are hardly the cause of global warming. Nevertheless, the UNDP claims that "national ID systems are indispensable tools in confronting the climate and energy crisis."

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Eliminating Fossil Fuels Will Cause Massive Decline In Human Well-Being

We have made the case for years that climate alarmism, with its drive to eliminate fossil fuels, is patently anti-human in nature and effect. This is precisely why it must be stopped. Endless disputes over pseudo-science only plays into the alarmist agenda. It will not be stopped because the "science is bad" but rather because it is anti-human.

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