
Scientists Are Testing mRNA Vaccines To Protect Cows And People Against Bird Flu

When fear porn meets "One Health," the outbreak of mass hysteria is predictable, as it is in this article. The idea is now to inject cattle with mRNA cocktails to protect humans from contracting bird flu. Moderna is currently leading the pack with multiple iterations of mRNA "vaccines" to protect the world. Since proteins are the fundamental building blocks of life, when you mess with different life forms, the whole system is degraded. One Health, indeed.

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‘Green Panic’: Siemens Energy Stock Collapses As Industry Melts Down

Siemens is a pillar company of the World Economic Forum, which wants to flip the world into Technocracy. The problem? It won't work. It never has worked. Where Technocracy touches the free market economy, gangrene sets in. It's like anti-matter coming into contact with matter. The green economy is a free-fall collapse, but it won't deter companies like Siemens from pouring money down the drain.

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