Food Systems

Global “Holodomor” Ahead: The Intentional Destruction Of Agriculture

Dutch farmers and fishermen represent the "canary in the coal mine" in the battle to destroy agriculture worldwide. Everything that is happening there is being replicated in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and throughout Europe. Holodomor means "death by hunger," as was intentionally inflicted on Ukrainian peasants during 1932-33, killing at least 5 million. Now that a global Holodomor is forming, it should be as plain as your nose on your face.

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Global Warming Activism Targets Giant Global Livestock Industry And 1.3 Billion People

This important statistical analysis demonstrates the magnitude of the meat industry around the world, which involves no less than 1.3 billion supporting workers. This is the industry that technocrat eco-loons want to destroy, and what can't be destroyed will be substituted with synthetic food. Seriously? Yes, but it shows the anti-human fallacy of the entire movement.

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Doug Casey: The War On Farmers Could Trigger A Famine

Technocracy intends to control every aspect of human existence down to the molecular structure of your DNA. Energy, food and water are the three prime drivers of human activity; all three are experiencing man-made crisis designed for such control. Not breaking the shackles of Technocrat domination will mean global scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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From Net Zero To Glyphosate: Agritech’s Greenwashed Power Grab

Those Technocrats who have harmed the earth most in the past are claiming that they will save us in the future. They have nothing to stand on but people continue to accommodate their lie, "This time it will be different." So far, it only reveals an unprecedented scam of epic proportions.⁃

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Great Reset: Dutch Government To Buy Farms As Thousands Face Shut Down

The Dutch government is unrelenting in shutting down "pollution-emitting" farmers and forcing them to sell to the government. The lever is a severe cutback in nitrogen-based fertilizers that are essential to profitable food production. This is the epitome of the WEF's Great Reset where "By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy."

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Study: Carbon Footprint Of Lab-Grown Beef “Orders Of Magnitude” Worse Than Ranching

So, the Technocrat war on red meat and the ranchers who produce it, has nothing to do with CO2 after all. Fake meat production is "orders of magnitude" worse than traditional means of production, ie, ranches and farms. The war on CO2 is as fake as the fake meat produced in labs, and should be rejected for what it is: fraud.

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John Kerry: Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’

Technocrats intend to control all food production in order to control populations. Why would governments confiscate farms? Just ask Netherlands. Since farms use nitrogen fertilizers to grow crops, and since nitrogen has been declared a harmful pollutant, confiscating farms is seen as a way to combat global warming. I can guarantee that Bill Gates' farming empire will not be one to be confiscated.

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FDA Approves Gene-Edited Pigs For Human Consumption

The goal of the Technocrat/Transhuman cartel is to edit the DNA of all living species. WSU is leading the genetic modification rush to introduce GMO meat for human consumption. This article is full of misleading statements such as "Gene-editing is a modern, cutting-edge technology that works only within a species’ DNA and can make changes that could come about naturally or through traditional breeding practices."

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Scientists: Meat Is Absolutely Crucial For Human Health

Scientists find that studies promoting an end to meat consumption in favor of vegetarian or insect consumption are fatally flawed and destructive to human health. Instead, meat has always been a staple of the human diet and societies that have little access to meat suffer huge health issues. Anti-meat rhetoric is nothing more than globalist propaganda to degrade the human population on planet earth.

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Farmers Furious As Environmentalists Escalate War On Food

Technocracy's war on food is persistent, crushing and totally mean-spirited. It has nothing to do with "saving the environment" or preventing global warming, but rather seeks population reduction and subjugation. The EU, an emerging Technocracy itself, is spearheading this assault on food and farmers in general.

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