
UNconventional Grey: The Missing Link Between Geo-Engineering And Climate Change

This documentary was produced by the late film-maker Michael J. Murphy before his death. It wasn’t discovered until seven years later. I did an extended interview for this documentary and then promptly forgot about it, figuring that nothing came of it. This is a explosive link between geo-engineering and the UN's Climate Change agenda. Please watch to the end and then share!

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Scientists: ‘Planet-Hacking’ Plan For Atmosphere Could Keep Earth Habitable For Longer

Speculative chemtrail theories have abounded for years because people are either too lazy or too ill-equipped to do the proper research into the real roots of atmospheric tampering, namely, scientific geo-engineering. The real story behind geo-engineering is much more disturbing than any conspiracy theory. Technocrat scientists are bent on hacking the atmosphere to 'save' the planet. There are many geo-engineering scientists to oppose this crackpot scheme.

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