
Deep State Technocrats Convene In D.C. Spy Museum, Collude To Rig 2024 Election

Not surprisingly, Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates attended and was a speaker at this conference. Gates says he has been diagnosed with PTSD because of the harsh reactions he received during the 2022 election controversy in Arizona. Technocrats are intent on excluding American patriots and constitutionalists from all elected positions.

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Bloomberg: ‘The President Deserves A Team Of Technocrats’

Bloomberg headlines, What Biden Needs Most Right Now: More Technocrats, describing it as "the administration’s most pressing need". It argues that "there’s a strong case for a post-midterms recalibration in a more technocratic direction." Does Biden really "deserve a team of Technocrats"?

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How Election Integrity Has Been Destroyed In Arizona (And Elsewhere)

Because I live in Arizona, I have wondered and scratched my head as to why a fundamentally "red" state ends up with "blue" politicians. Such was the case during the 2020 election when Donald Trump was overwhelmingly popular and yet lost the state. Such is the case right now with the Governor's race between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs. Now I know the answer.

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Andrew Yang Promotes Technocracy With New Political Party

Governance and government are not engineering problems looking for a technical fix, but Yang and friends are promoting the Forward Party to promote Technocracy. Yang has also been a vocal advocate for Universal Basic Income (UBI) that was an original Technocracy plank. The odds of the party getting anywhere are slim, but they will plant their Technocrat ideas in many new places.

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Arizona’s Turncoat Attorney General Shredded All Hope For Election Integrity

In the most despicable display of political and legal malfeasance in recent memory, Arizona's Republican Attorney General, Mark Brnovich, balked on pursuing criminal charges based on evidence surfaced during the exhaustive election audit following the 2020 presidential election of Joe Biden.

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Whitehead: Government’s Kill Switch For Your Car, Freedoms And Life

Do you want a government controlled kill switch in your car? It's for your safety, they say. It will help them keep drunk drivers off the road, they say. It may be used if you are not paying attention to the road, like texting or playing games on your smart phone. It may track your location 24x7. Wow, it's just like having a Technocrat in every car.

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Meanwhile, Italy Doubles Down On COVID Despotism Against Unvaxxed

Given its dystopian and tyrannical domination of its unvaxxed citizens, it is ironic that Italy was once the cradle of Western civilization that produced concepts of liberty, freedom, the rule of law, etc. Today, it has slipped back into the gutter of despotic governance with no end in sight.

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At Least 25 Federal Agencies Are Tracking Religious Exemption Requests

Technocracy is a natural enemy of religion because it presents truth outside of science. Much of the resistance against Technocrats and vaccine mandates comes from religious groups and especially those affiliated with Christianity. Data collection of religious exemption requests of employees and contractors across the entire Biden Administration presages a purge of Christians from public service.

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Greenwald: Congress’s 1/6 Committee Claims Absolute Power as it Investigates Citizens With No Judicial Limits

As the Rule of Law breaks down in America, despots and tyrants quickly fill the vacuum, as evidenced by the Congressional 1/6 Investigative Committee. Lawlessness exhibits itself when elected officials reject legal constraints and authority and bully their way through to get what they want. This sets a precedent for other government officials to follow suit.

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Technocracy: How Vaccine Mandates Became A Political Weapon

Although this article focuses on the current Administration, it is a global strategy employed by Technocrats around the world. Surely the injections have a separate but related purpose, using governments to enforce dystopian policies is clearly observed. When their usefulness is over, these same governments will be thrown under the Technocrat bus.

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