
Melbourne In Chaos As Protestors Resist New COVID Lockdowns

Australia is about to go into full lockdown again which will paralyze the economy, drive more small businesses out of existence. Citizens are completely fed up with their authoritarian government, are demanding change and that their Premier Daniel Andrews resign immediately.

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Pakistan Shuts Off Phone Service To Non-Vaccinated Citizens

The Technocrat hand of tyrannical government is coming down on the "un-vaxxed" all around the world. Pakistan now has at least two programs in place; disabling sim cards in cellular phones for all citizens and refusing to pay government employees who refuse to take the vaccine.

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Santa Clara County: Businesses Must Submit Vaccination Status Of All Employees-Every two weeks!

In the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara Country has gone totally 1984-dystopia by forcing business to report the vaccination status of every employee every two weeks. If an employee declines to answer, they are to be treated as unvaccinated and forced to wear a face mask. Criminal penalties are set for employer non-compliance.

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Oregon Imposes Vaccine Passports, Demands Compliance

The Fascist state of Oregon has become the first state to mandate vaccination in order to be able to take your face mask off when entering businesses, churches, government buildings, etc. This is the resurrection of Jim Crow laws but based on a vaccine instead of skin color.

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Arizona Election Fraud: Why Does Maricopa County Delete Databases, Not Turn Over Passwords, Refuse To Comply With Subpoenas?

Technocrats in Arizona's Maricopa County are scattering like cockroaches when the lights are turned on. County officials are stonewalling legislative subpoenas, deleting entire election databases, refusing to turn over passwords and routers used during the election. 

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Xi Jinping: ‘The World Wants Justice, Not Hegemony’

Jinping's idea of 'justice' is lopsided: Rules must be harmonized, yet privatized. In other words, "you keep your rules and we will keep ours." Otherwise, butt out. China will not capture the world via hegemony, but by exporting Technocracy.

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Lockdown Strategies: The Intentional Re-Feudalization Of England

The forces of Technocracy have set England on a road to neo-feudalism where the barons rule over the serfs. Such a cruel disposition is why the historical age of feudalism was called "the dark ages." This mega-trend has been brewing in England for many years, but now it's obvious.

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