Health Systems

Robots for Elders: A Trojan Horse?

Children have no practical value in production, so Technocrats have no problem allowing them to be exploited for slave labor to create value. Elders cannot be exploited because they become too weak, too mentally unstable, etc. Elders are thus a complete drag on economic activity and therefore can be sacrificed just like children, 

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Technocrats Running The WHO Present A Real And Present Danger

The World Health Organization is a hammer for implementing Technocracy throughout the world, by taking over all health of all living things. If you control health, you control everything else as well. Until the Technocracy movement is understood, it cannot be stopped, and the evidence of this is that it has not been stopped!

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Gates, WHO, CDC See Peel & Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly To Peoples’ Homes

Micro-needle patches can be mass produced, mailed to homes worldwide and self-administered by the recipients. Peel-and-stick patches can be  adapted to any type of vaccine, including mRNA gene therapy technology. All of these affect and change body functions and especially the immune system. If creating Humanity 2.0 is the goal, then this delivery system is "groundbreaking".

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Hohmann: The Entire World Is Clamoring For A Global Pandemic Treaty

The World Health Organization and its sister organizations have established a global delusion covering all 194 nations, including the U.S. Delusion is defined as "A belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary, generally in reference to a mental disorder." In short, the world has gone mad. 

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Big Pharma’s ‘Rampant Corporate Lawlessness’ Cost Americans $40 Billion In 2019

Big Pharma is being scrutinized by progressives and conservatives. In this case, CommonDreams calls it "rampant corporate lawlessness" and demonstrates how Americans are being mercilessly gouged. Big Pharma has erected defenses at every level of government that make it virtually impossible to apply anti-trust laws to stop the predatory behavior.

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Who Wants A Brain Machine Interface, Anyway?

A thorough analysis of the ethics associated with brain-machine interfaces (BMI) that is lacking in the industry itself. In general, ethic studies typically do not exist in the Technocrat/Transhumanist industry because it hinders their advancement of technology. Technocrats invent because the can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so.

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WHO/’One Health’: The Global Takeover Of Everything

The World Health Organization is hopelessly compromised by Technocrat oligarchs like Bill Gates, and they intend to flip the world into a scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. This is the core of the coup d'etat that started with the Great Panic of 2020 and is designed for total global control. Technocracy's war on humanity is viscous, mean spirited and dispassionate, and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals.

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WHO: The Most Dangerous Global Treaty Ever Proposed

If the World Health Organization's treaty is widely ratified, the evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism will have triumphed over global health, and hence, over humanity. The Transhuman goal of creating Humanity 2.0 will be within reach with an endless flow of mRNA gene therapy injections. The WHO's biggest contributor and influencer? Bill Gates.

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Vax Damage: 26.6 Million Injured, 1.36 Million Disabled, 300k Excess Deaths, $150 Billion Economic Loss

The carnage caused by experimental mRNA injections is beyond genocide levels and is the worst health related disaster America has ever experienced. Big Pharma and government leadership cannot possibly plead ignorance and yet they continue to gaslight the world that the shots are "safe and effective".

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Medical Technocracy: The Forced Medication Of All Citizens

It should be, "your body, your choice". That's over. The combined forces of Technocracy and Transhumanism are now in control of your body, both of what you put into it and what comes out of it. All disease, whether real or faked, will be treated by protocols from on high and at their discretion and timing.

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