Health Systems

Ivermectin Works: World’s Largest, Peer-Reviewed Research Study

For all the Ivermectin skeptics who have retorted that "there are no peer-reviewed" studies proving it works, and who probably wouldn't know how to read and understand a a peer-reviewed study, will you please stop fighting this and come out of the propaganda fog? Holdouts will now likely attack the peers in an attempt to discredit them.

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Doctor Loses License For Prescribing HCQ, Ivermectin; Ordered To Psych Evaluation

Dr. Meryl Nass has been an outspoken critic of health directives that ban HCQ and Ivermectin for early treatment of COVID infections. The State of Maine Board of Licensure took action to crush her medical practice by pulling her medical license, and to add insult to injury, ordered her to undergo a psych evaluation. This appears to be following Orwell's 1984 storyline where Winston is cast as Dr. Nass.

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Wesley J. Smith: Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel Is Pushing For Permanent Medical Technocracy

This is a MUST-READ article. Medical technocrat Ezekiel Emanuel, brother to political hack Rahm Emanuel, famously said he hopes to die at age 75. Currently 64, he has 11 years left. Now he is advocating for a permanent medical Technocracy by aggregating all respiratory diseases into a single statistic so that the government can declare perpetual health emergencies. 

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Medical Technocracy: Then They Came For The Children

]What kind of monsters can stand silently by and watch the intentional medical abuse and death of innocent children? More children have died from the EUA mRNA shots than have died of COVID itself. Hospital nurses are screaming out the truth as legislators and regulators turn a deaf ear. Welcome to Technocracy.

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Malone: Failed Gov’t Policies Plus Failed mRNA Shots Spell Disaster

Dr. Robert Malone, who participated in the original development of mRNA technology, is absolutely right to conclude that "there must be accountability" for what is increasingly seen as a genocidal disaster. People are dying from the misuse of experimental mRNA drugs and disastrous government policies that are pitted against populations.

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Life Insurance CEO: Working-Age Death Rate Up By Whopping 40%

Wars produce dead bodies, and Technocracy's war against the world is no exception. Regardless of specific cause of death, dead bodies are piling up at an unprecedented rate in American history. Insurance companies don't care about propaganda and COVID rhetoric; actuarial tables and actual death claims paid out tell the final story.

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Endless Boosters Threaten To Destroy Normal Immune Function

Technocrat medical engineers believe they can intentionally "program" various body functions through gene editing. This Frankenstein-like thinking is beyond being simply dangerous to a few; it could eventually pose an existential threat to the entire human population.

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Cost Of War: Excess Deaths Soaring Despite Mass Injections

COVID injections were promised to be the path to normalcy, but the reality is far from it. Those who have already received the injection(s) have doubled their risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS).  This is the ugly cost of Technocracy's war against humanity, and there is no end in sight.

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Kennedy On Fauci: ‘Apocalyptical Forces Of Ignorance And Greed And Totalitarianism’

This is the face of Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. Social engineering and herd management principals are elevated to a status of 'prime directive' and then quietly executed behind the curtain. Now, that curtain is being ripped apart, exposing total disregard for human life and wellbeing.

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