
Biden Launches Permanent ‘Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy’

The Military/Industrial/Biosecurity cartel scored a major victory with the establishment of a permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy". The first pandemic tsar to head the new agency is Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul Friedrichs. Manufacturer of COVID-19 mRNA injections: Military. Delivery of shots to America: Military (Operation Warp Speed). Enforcement of future pandemic policies: Military. Do you see a trend here? 

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Mass Casualty At Concerts: Vaccinated Crowds ‘Die Suddenly”

This story needs serious investigation to determine the cause of this phenomenon. By comparison, the 1969 Woodstock event attracted some 400,000 people to a three-day marathon of music activity and partying. Only two people died: one from a drug overdose and the other was run over in his sleeping bag with a tractor collecting trash. Deaths from heart attack at Woodstock? ZERO.

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Medical Apartheid, Vax Passports And The End Of The Freedom To Travel

In hindsight, we now know that lockdowns and the resulting "travel passports" for the vaccinated had nothing to do with science or health: rather, it was a dystopian power grab to flip the world into scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. There is no "freedom to travel" if it is only for those who are willing to take mRNA gene therapy shots. Apartheid? Discrimination? It's still just getting started.

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Gates, WHO, CDC See Peel & Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly To Peoples’ Homes

Micro-needle patches can be mass produced, mailed to homes worldwide and self-administered by the recipients. Peel-and-stick patches can be  adapted to any type of vaccine, including mRNA gene therapy technology. All of these affect and change body functions and especially the immune system. If creating Humanity 2.0 is the goal, then this delivery system is "groundbreaking".

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Unprecedented: Athlete Cardiac Arrests Killed 1,310 In 2.5 Years, Injured 574

NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller has been chronicling sudden deaths and unexpected health events since the mRNA therapy shots (COVID "vaccines") started. Athletes and healthy young people with no known health issues, are falling over dead from sudden cardiac arrest after receiving injections. Many deaths showed no signs of impending collapse. As Miller notes, this is unprecedented in history.

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Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bring Them To Big Cities”

A software development grifter is now posing as the world's champion for discovering/developing dangerous viruses that could potentially wipe humanity off the planet. An avid Technocrat and Transhumanist, Bill Gates' meddling with existing systems of civilization has already caused multiple health disasters, but he is still highly revered in globalist circles.

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Green Monkeys: BioNTech’s mRNA Factory And The Marburg Virus

BioNTech, manufacturer of mrNA vaccines, is located in Marburg, Germany and is the same facility where the deadly Marburg virus outbreak occurred in 1967. Furthermore, in both instances, green monkeys were involved in the research. This is evidence that the mRNA injections have a long history of evil intentions

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Welcome To The CDC’s Elite “Epidemic Intelligence Services”

So, the CDC has a quasi-secret equivalent of the CIA but for diseases: Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS). It appears to be filled with Technocrats who "represent science" and who are engaged in clandestine operations designed to control the narrative of infectious diseases. COVID-19 appears to be a classic intelligence-style operation.

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Biden Reinstitutes Face Masks, Social Distancing For The Unvaccinated

The "pandemic" is over, peer reviewed studies have proven that face masks and social distancing are worthless practices, and yet Biden has signaled the nation to bring them back - but only for the unvaccinated. This insanity proves that it was never about health in the first place, but about dictatorial control and submission.

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