
Evidence: Pfizer Knew mRNA Shots Sicken Infants in April 2021

OBGYNs have been sounding alarm over mRNA shot damage to pregnant moms and their babies. Now we know that Pfizer new about this damage and tried to bury the evidence. Nevertheless, the propaganda continues to recommend that all pregnant women should take the mRNA injections. Lack of informed consent is a crime in itself.

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WHO Is Planing Another Pandemic ‘Simulation’

The WHO is a juggernaut of tyranny and scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. The COVID-19 "pandemic" served to cause the "Great Panic of 2020", greasing the skids for mass injections of genetic material that was inline with the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution where Klaus Schwab pontificated. "It's going to change YOU". Transhumanism has arrived and is now permanently on the scene.

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Brownstone: Twenty Grim Realities Revealed By Lockdowns

Without mentioning the word Technocracy, the author describes its effect on the world and in particular, on America. While Technocracy often uses Marxist ideologies to destroy the existing civilizational structure, it is not Marxist in itself. The Technocracy movement prides itself on being the masters of the "science of social engineering".

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The Plan: Next Pandemic Will Reinstate Lockdowns

The government and Technocrats in the healthcare cartel refuse to repudiate the society-killing lockdown policies seen during the "Great Panic of 2020, virtually guaranteeing that these policies will be again implemented as a knee-jerk reaction to the next plandemic. Since another pandemic is already on the drawing board at the WHO, now is the time to prepare for massive civil disobedience to refuse to comply.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf: Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, As Evidenced By Its Own Documents

Dr. Naomi Wolf has uncovered hard evidence within Pfizer documents that the company has intentionally designed its mRNA shots to target the reproductive cycle of women in their child-bearing years. This puts intense depopulation pressure on entire societies.  There are many other effects such as myocarditis, paralysis, stroke, blood clots, up to and including death.

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Risk Of Contracting COVID-19 Goes UP With Every mRNA Shot You Take

A peer-reviewed study now shows conclusively that the risk of COVID-19 infection goes up with every additional vaxx or booster you receive. We now know that mRNA shots did not inhibit the spread of the virus, nor did they prevent infection as was widely claimed. So, what was the purpose of mRNA shots? In short, they started the genetic manipulation of the human species.

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Green Monkey DNA Found In COVID-19 Shots

The wheels are coming off of Big Pharma's massive fraud perpetrated on humanity. As real scientific studies take place, and they take time, it is found that the mRNA shots contained large amounts of DNA and from multiple sources, that are able to permanently change your DNA. Once changed, they cannot be changed back. The potential result is life-long chronic illness or death.

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Shock: Top Insurance Analyst Says 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots

The global war being prosecuted by proponents of Technocracy is validated by the pileup of dead bodies. It simply cannot be argued that these excess deaths are just coincidental or due to bad luck within Big Pharma. Rather, the world is being brazenly assaulted. The fact that mRNA vaccine programs are not being halted is proof of malicious intent.

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Hohmann: The Entire World Is Clamoring For A Global Pandemic Treaty

The World Health Organization and its sister organizations have established a global delusion covering all 194 nations, including the U.S. Delusion is defined as "A belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary, generally in reference to a mental disorder." In short, the world has gone mad. 

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Gorsuch: Covid Lockdown Mania Stripped Civil Liberties

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch declares, "Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country." It's about time, but it's to late since the damage is already done. TN decried the wanton destruction of civil liberties from day one of the globalist-led pandemic.

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