Police State

Mises: The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People

Any human agency that operates within a culture of secrecy, without oversight and accountability, will operate a) outside the rule of the law, b) outside moral restraints, and c) outside ethical constraints. The CIA, FBI, and the NSA are examples of agencies that are accountable to no one. Technocrats like it that way: just pour in money and leave them alone. Nevertheless, public awareness is rapidly rising that these rogue agencies are the enemies of the American people.

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Whitehead: Don’t Let The Government Criminalize Free Speech

Free Speech is a core element of a healthy, functioning society. The vacuum created by its absence can only be filled with tyranny. The government's attempt to criminalize Free Speech is not just inconvenient, but rather it is existential. George Washington  saw this clearly: "dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

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