Police State

Charge: U.S. Capitol Police Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

To the Technocrat mind, surveillance is seen as some sort of divine right that gives them a moral free pass to look at anything they choose to look at. In this case, the Capitol Police appear to have been flipped into a type of  Praetorian Guard for the radical left to spy on certain Congressmen and their staff. In a sane world, congressional and staff perpetrators would be summarily ejected from the capitol.

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Boom: Biden Admin Officially Targets Free Speech As Domestic Terrorism

This outrageous "National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin" issued by the Department of Homeland Security pits government narrative against all others. In other words, if you write or speak against the government's narrative, you are "undermin(ing) public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest." This, in turn, could "inspire acts of violence". 

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‘Black Mirror-Like’ Robo-Dogs Patrol US Border, Searching For Illegals

Don't rejoice that robo-dogs are going to solve the border crisis, because they will not. Technocrats within the government are merely using the border crisis as an opportunity to test their dystopian technological solutions that are designed to autonomously herd and control groups of people. Such robots are only "search and identify" today but could just as easily be converted into "search and destroy" in the future.

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Whitehead: Government’s Kill Switch For Your Car, Freedoms And Life

Do you want a government controlled kill switch in your car? It's for your safety, they say. It will help them keep drunk drivers off the road, they say. It may be used if you are not paying attention to the road, like texting or playing games on your smart phone. It may track your location 24x7. Wow, it's just like having a Technocrat in every car.

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Europe’s Unvaccinated Are Falling Out Of Society, Called ‘Unhinged Extremists’

The inhumanity of man is incomprehensible as global society has been bifurcated into a savage apartheid based on those who want medical freedom and those who are promoting tyranny. For any nation that might resist global tyranny, building a coalition of allies would be impossible because of lack of support.

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Down Under: Unvaxxed Aussies Not Allowed To Exercise Or Travel To Work

The demonization of the unvaxxed continues to intensify around the world. There is no defensible science to justify any of these actions, but tyranny cannot be bothered by the facts. Other nations are following suit. The new mantra is "Deniers deserve to be punished"... and they are!

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Italy Mandates Vax For Over-50s, Bans Unvaxxed From Workplaces

Italy is now over-the-top authoritarian as it institutionalizes the demonization of the unvaxxed. The most vulnerable segment of society, the over-50s, must be jabbed and forced to accept a vaccine passport. Deniers will essentially be banned from society and marked for further harassment and scapegoating.

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Stigmatizing The Unvaccinated: Human Today, Not Human Tomorrow

Governments are intensifying their vitriol against the unvaccinated. Trudeau (Canada) says they shouldn't be tolerated. Macron (France) says he's "really going to piss them off". Germany says they are "not human." Biden (US) says they are the pandemic. If not reversed soon, such rhetoric can easily lead to mass bloodshed.

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Recipe For Toxic COVID Stew: Badges, Guns, Quarantine Camps

Governments are increasingly being turned against their citizens, but by who? The only possible perpetrators are the global Technocrats who are intent on flipping the entire planet into Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. The pressure cooker of tyranny will ultimately force an outright rebellion.

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Non-Compliant Austrians Now Face Prison, Huge Fines

Technocratic tyranny continues to percolate in Europe as Austria is bent on 100% compliance with its vaccine mandate, boosters included. Civil unrest will certainly continue to grow testing resolve on both sides. Germany is also ramping up persecution of its unvaxxed citizens, with predictable results.

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